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So here's the update, we've been waiting for a whole three hours and still no signs of the royals. Not even one of them. I didn't know it was a culture to be late to events but I guess I better start learning. Cough *note sarcasm* cough. The more time that passes, the more I got anxious and I think I might just faint from all this anxiety. Mom and dad have been hauled up in the living room, dealing with their own anxiety. They bicker occasionally but it's nothing too serious, thank God. The doorbell rings and my head snaps to the door. Mom and dad immediately go to the front door but then stand frozen.

"Open it." My mother whispers harshly to dad.

"No way in a hell I'm doing that, you open it." His accent thick, dripping with culture. They both glare at each other.

"Raul you better open this door before I beat the shit out of you." My mother countered.

"And I said no Danna. No!" he whisper-yelled back.

"Annibal just open the damn door. You were the one that got us into this mess in the first place you idiota!" my mother whisper-yelled back. I rolled my eyes and moved towards the door myself.

"Can you two ever get along? I'm getting tired of this shi-"my words came to a dreadful halt when I made eye contact with the most breathtaking man I've ever seen in the form of Prince Dario-Arturo Juan Montenegro. I examined him quickly. Strong defined jaw, black hair, as black as night, olive tanned skin, forest green eyes and a much built body. He wasn't that bulky but, he was definitely hot. I cleared my throat as I saw a smirk on his face. I placed a polite smile on my face and opened the door wider for him. I bowed my head as a greeting.

"Bienvenido Reals." I said as he walked in, never taking eyes off of me. I looked back up to see a smiling queen passing me then the king passed me with a ghost of a smile on his face. When they were all in I closed the door and walked back into the living room where the royals had taken their seats. The king and queen sat opposite my father as the prince took a seat in the couch facing both couches. I stood by the doorway with my hands behind me as a sign of respect to them. I was mentally breaking down and felt the need to throw up. I'm the subject here so whatever I do, they'll be definitely watching me.

"Oh dear, come sit. Don't just stand there. You know we don't bite." The queen called me. I looked up to find her gesturing for me to sit. I nodded and walked in. I looked around to find a seat but the only space available was the one beside the prince. Seeing the fact that I don't have a choice here, I slid into the seat and kept my focus only on the queen and king. I could feel his eyes on me though.

"Auradona." My father addressed the queen, glaring at her. She sighed.

"Annibal look, we're not here to make trouble. We need to be mature about this." She said softly. My father continued to glare at her. So I stepped in.

"Um, Queen Auradona, I'm really sorry about what my dad did." I apologized.

"Why are you-"my father started but didn't get to finish.

"Dad, por favor. Just please cierra la boca." I said as I glared at him. [Please, shut up]. He leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms defiantly but kept his mouth shut. I took my eyes off of him and refocused on the royals. "Like I was saying, I'm really sorry. I'm prepared to take anything that you give me." I said politely. The Queen shared a look with her husband then they both looked back at me.

"You seem to have accepted this pretty fast." She said, eyebrows furrowed. I nodded boldly.

"Well, for a month now we have been looking for someone to protect our son, Prince Dario." The king said with a deep accented, voice.

"So you want me to fill in?" I asked, a bit confused but a bit excited as well.

"Well only for a year. His previous bodyguard is on a nine months leave because of his pregnant wife but we might extend it so he can have more time with her and the baby." The Queen explained. I smiled a bit.

"That's really sweet of you guys." I commented.

"Gracias carino." The Queen said with a proud smile on her face. "Right, so since you really don't have a choice here, you'll leave for the palace two days from now so, pack your bags." She said. I took in a deep breath. Then something came to my mind.

"What about college? I was just accepted into NYU when this happened so how am I going to go to college?" I asked. I take my studies very seriously so I need to know. The Queen looked at the King before looking back at me.

"Well about that, we'll try to do something about it." She said.

"We understand that it's not your fault that you're in this position so we bear with you on that." King Arturo added. I nodded with appreciation.

"Thank you very much." I said.

"Oh no worries. This is supposed to be a punishment for your father until he learns not to mess with The Reals." Queen Auradona waved me off. My dad scowled at her but all she did was smile back at him.

"This isn't over Auradona." He spat.

"Oh but it is. Unless you want your daughter to become a maid servant and serve more time for you." She said and winked at me. This Queen is pretty cool. I smiled to myself and chuckled. My father's scowl ran deeper at her statement. The royals all stood and I stood as well. I out my hands behind my back and escorted them out. Once they were all out, the King and Queen waved at me and the prince just smirked, looking at me from head to toe. In a way, it felt a bit perverted but I quickly dismissed the feeling. There's no way the prince, heir to the throne, could ever think like that. I guess I thought wrong. 

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