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Dealing with the notorious Prince Dario Arturo-Juan Montenegro was just unbearable. Everything he says just screams pervert. You know the times that I thought that Prince Dario would be descent enough to respect himself? Yeah, those days are over because now I know his true colours. He told me the stories of how he used to have fun with different ladies and how he could get drunk so much that he would forget his own name. Listening to these stories wasn't even that bad but imagining them was torture in itself. He just kept ranting on and on about his life before he had to start training to be king and honestly it was beginning to annoy the hell out of me. After the council meeting he said he wanted to meet up with a friend so I had to with him and that's how I got to hear about all his endeavors. Never have I ever hated a Prince this much. I just hate now. Now being his bodyguard is beginning to suck donkey ass. I love this job but I hate protecting this jerk. I just want to bury my gun, far down his throat and shoot him so many times but we all know that I will get executed for that. So now here I am, waiting for him to be done with whatever he's doing with whichever friend he's seeing. I have been here in the car with Gregorio for two hours and I'm beginning to get antsy and a bit worried. What if something went wrong in there? What if he's been hurt... I rush into the hotel to the reception area.

"Hola, so listen, Is Prince Dario here?" I asked the receptionist. He eyes went to my badge then she nodded.

"Room 420, second floor." She says. I thank her and take the elevator to the second floor. The second it dings, I rush out and take my gun out of its holster. I scan the premises. No one's here. It's quiet. Too quiet. I find room 420 and knock on it. A redheaded man comes into view as the door opens. I put on a smile.

"Hola, um is Prince Dario in here?" I asked. He smiles as well but I can see a hint of falseness in his eyes.

"No, he left her over thirty minutes ago." He says with an American accent. I try to peer into the room but he keeps the door a bit closed, blocking my view. I get suspicious now.

"Um, are you sure? Because Prince Dario hasn't stepped out of the building in two hours." I say, still trying to look into the room.

"Haven't seen him since left so I guess this is goodbye." He tries to shut the door but I kick it back with a force that sends it flying backwards, giving me a good view of the whole apartment. Prince Dario is nowhere to be seen but I know better than that. He blocks my way.

"Senor, I advise you to step away from the door." I say slowly as I pull the gun from behind me. I point it at him and his eyes widen. He takes a step back and I enter. I look around as I try to keep my focus on him as well. "Prince Dario! Prince-"a body heaves on me and I fall to the ground. The gun skids across the floor and lands beside a couch. The redheaded man grabs my arms and pin them on top of my head as he straddled me.

"You're not going to ruin this for me you silly girl!" he yells. I struggle to get out of his hold but his grip is just too strong. I spit in his face and his grip loosens but is not enough to get him off me. "Bitch!" one of his hands comes across my face. He slapped me but I don't dwell on it too long. I flip both of us over and I punch him. I hear a crack in nose. I broke. Bueno. He groans as he holds his nose and I take it as an opportunity. I get up and before I leave to look for Prince Dario, I shoot his thigh. He screams and I run around looking for Prince Dario.

"Sorry!" I throw at him. I look around. There are two bedrooms. I check the first one but it's empty. I check the second but I come back with nothing. I proceed to go back to where the redheaded man is but then I hear a muffled scream. I open the door to the first bedroom and check but there's still nothing there. I hear it again and my eyes shift to the closet. "Prince Dario?!" I yell and I hear a muffled scream again. I run to the closet and try to open it but it wouldn't open. I look down to see a lock so I do the only thing I think of. I shoot at the padlock and it opens. I remove it and open the closet and the prince falls forward. We both land on the floor with him on top of me. His hands are tied up and he has duct tape on his mouth. I raise my hand and rip the tape off his mouth. He grunts and smirks.

"Came back for me huh?" he says cockily. I smile.

"Oh shut up and get off me." I say. I know he's my prince but at the moment, I'm just happy that he's not dead. He rolls off of me and I get up. I untie his hands and soon we're both up. I pick my gun off the floor and put it back in the holster.

"Okay, let's go before-" the redheaded man comes in and this time, he has a gun. His leg is still bleeding so I know that at least I have a bit of a chance to get us out of here. I instinctively jump in front of Prince Dario and pull my gun out as well. "Seor, I beg you, please put the gun down." I plead with him. He shakes his head.

"Step away from Dario here and maybe I'll spare your life." He sneers at me.

"Look, whatever it is that you want, we can give that to you just please for the love of God, put the freaking gun down." I say, inching closer to him.

"Bitch, step away from him." he says. Anger stirs inside me as he calls me a bitch. I'm gonna kill this dude. I slowly put my gun on the floor, a plan forming in my head.

"See? I put my gun down. Now please put yours down and we can have a nice, civilized convo here. Okay?" I say. I'm now close enough. In a swift motion, I slap his hand back and snatch the gun away from him then throw it away. I jump on him and straddle him then punch him in the jaw. I look back at Prince Dario. "Go down to the car and call for backup from the palace!" I yell at him.

"Que? No way. I'm not leaving you." He says, determination shining in his eyes. I roll my eyes.

"Just go. I'll be fine. I'm your bodyguard, I can handle this. Now go!" I yell and he swallows before he runs to the door but before he can get any further, the redheaded man catches his foot and trips him.

"You're not going anywhere till you give me my money." He hisses. I quickly press on his gun wound and he screams, allowing Prince Dario to escape. Prince Dario runs off and I look back at the guy. He quickly flips us over and punches me. My vision becomes a bit blurry and that's when I know that I'm in trouble. He stands, lifts me and harshly pushes me against the wall, grasping my neck in the process tightly.

"Since you really want to save him, then let's see you try with an injured leg as well." He whispers in my ear. Before he can do anything, I knee him in the man hood and he stumbles back, holding it. I sprint out of there and out of the apartment. I hear footsteps and soon a pair of hands circles me. I try to fight him off but he just won't budge so I fall on my back, taking him down with me. I fight him off and stand up but my victory is short lived as he jumps on me and we end up going falling through the big glass window with me under him and him on top of me. He lands a punch on my face in midair and the air gets knocked out of me as we fall onto the top of a car. I gasp for air and push him off of me as I slide down the side of the car with my back aching and my head fuzzy. My concerns right now are the Prince and the person that might have been in the car when we fell. I turn and check in the car. No one's in it but then I hear a baby crying. Oh no. A woman runs out and begins to scream. I forget everything and try to open the door but it wouldn't budge so I begin to break the front window. When it breaks, I climb in and pick the baby in his hand stroller and bring him to the front. I remove him from the stroller and try to calm him down as I try to open the door from inside. I pass him to his mom outside and climb out through the window. My vision begins to blur and I feel myself fall to the ground. Everything goes black in an instant.

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