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We stepped in to find Inez and Manuel talking. Oh she's so gonna tell me about that later. Their heads whip to us and they both stand to acknowledge Dario.

"Relax. Here I'm not your prince. I'm more of a really annoying dude so don't mind me, just came here to see Inez." Dario said like he wasn't just nervous a few minutes earlier. He had that carefree nature about him that he barely showed anymore but it was still there and when he showed it, it was just beautiful. I just admired it so much. Inez raised her head and looked at him with uncertainty while Manuel chuckled and just plain stood. Dario walked closer to Inez and Inez watched his every move. When he was finally in front of her, he engulfed her in a hug. I raised an eyebrow and smirked. Manuel looked so freaking so confused.

"Adriana, I know you can't remember me but you will. I know you will. Very soon." Dario said to her. She tilted her head to the right and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Me llama es no Adriana my prince. My name is Inez." She said. Dario stepped away from her and nodded his head slowly.

"I know Inez. I know. You'll get through this. You will. When you do, I'll be right here for you mi preciosa hermana." He said softly. Her eyes grew wide.

"I'm your sister? I knew something was up when I saw you in that car..." she muttered. Manuel had his jaw on the floor and his eyes widened to the size of saucers. I took his arm and began to drag him out with me.

"We'll be outside if you need us." I said loudly and exited with a very confused Manuel behind me. I closed the door and breathed out a breath of relief.

"Como?... Porque?...Quien?" He asked continuously.

"It'll all be explained later but right now, those two should be left alone to do some catching up." I said. I hope Inez is okay in there. All I wish is that she's happy and she finally remembers who she really is. Princess Adriana Arturo-Juan Estephania Montenegro.

Dario's POV

Mi hermana. She's here. She's really here. I thought I had lost her forever but here she is. She has been here for five whole years and I haven't once laid an eye on her. I should take notice of the bodyguards around here. She sat unmoving, taking steady breaths. She looked just like she did when we were little. She was my little Ana and I her big Rio. It was a thing we had. Since the last three letters of our names could be pronounced individually, we decided to call ourselves that instead of our actual names. She was my favourite little sister amongst the three. Aria would always stick her tongue out at me and call me an idiot. It was like that was the only word she knew and I disliked her for it but I still love her. She's my sister and I always protect my sisters. Alexandria, well she was the quiet type. She was the quiet one amongst us all and I protected her the most since she would always keep quiet about everything. Till now she and I still have heart to heart conversations where I practically force her to spill. But for Adriana, she was feisty rational at the same time. She might have been a little girl but the kind of things she said would make a roman sister want to drown herself in holy water. It was that bad. She had no care in the world for the things she said and she always made me smile all the time. I remember when I came back home from soccer practice once and I had a bleeding bruise on my knee.

"Rio!" Adriana came running out of the palace, embracing me. I put my arms around her and hugged her tightly. Then I heard her say in that high pitched voice, " Rio, I know how irresistible but I'm your hermana, we can't be together like that." I quickly let go of her, red in the face whilst she laughed her butt off. My eyebrows shot up when I realized that she had used a very big word. Bigger than a word in every three year old's vocabulary.

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