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Here I am, standing in front of a mirror, looking at myself. The girl staring back at me is beautiful as red lipstick stains her full lips. Her hair, curled to perfection. Her dress hugging her upper body and flowing down her body. Light make up calloused her face, making her look a complete angel. I was shocked at the sight of her. I never thought I could look this pretty. The door to the dressing room opened to reveal the queen's assistant.

"You ready?" She asked. Her platinum blonde hair was a bit of a mess because of all the running around she must have done. Poor girl. Even though the Queen was the one holding and arranging this event, she did that with her. Her assistant. I nodded with a subtle smile. She came in holding a tablet and a mask which was the same colour as the dress I had on. She came to me and put her tablet down, handing me the mask. "You'll need this. Queen Auradona told me that you were shy and agreed to do this only if you wore a mask." She says. I smiled fully.

"Yeah. I'm guessing you're really tired." I told her and she sighed and shrugged.

"I am but what can I do? I'm a mere worker here. I can't complain because anyone would kill for this job and the least mistake I make could get me fired." She said. I chuckled. I put the mask on and looked in the mirror at myself. I looked good ad the mask gave me that mysterious vibe. I love it.

"Thanks Renata. This will all be over soon." I told her and she chuckled.

"Si, hopefully faster." She said and I let out a laugh as she escorted me out. "You and your friend will be going up on stage in an hour after a dance performance. This ball is a really big deal and to top it off, I heard the queen's other daughters are going to be coming back today." She explained. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Really? A todos?" I asked. She nodded. I didn't know. Did Dario know about this?

"I have to go. Nos vemos ma ́s tarde." She said and waved as she left me to handle her business. I stood in the middle of the room, anxious and confused.

"Looks like someone is nervous." I heard Adriana's voice. I snapped my head towards her and found her in a white mask. Her hair was put in an up do which suited her rounded face perfectly. Her dress looked even more incredible on her now than it did yesterday. She took off the mask to reveal her perfectly done face. She looks beautiful right now. Even more than me. He eyes have been highlighted with natural colours that blend perfectly with her skin colour. Nude lipstick stained her perfectly shaped lips making her look angelic.

"Whoa, you look-" She cut me off.

"Oh no carino you. You look gorgeous. My brother will be drooling all over you once you take your mask off." She said and I blushed profusely. I remembered the news that Renata broke to me.

"Hey did you know that-" Yet again she cut me off.

"That my sisters will be here and I'll get meet them, yes. I know." She said, looking a bit anxious. I chuckled, going to her side.

"Now look who's being nervous. What's wrong?" I asked softly. She sighed.

"Maria what if they don't like me. What if we become like strangers and they'll feel weird every time that see me or what if-" I cut her rant off.

"Uh-uh. No way am I allowing you to do this to yourself. Look, you were the one the one that told me that I'd be a great queen when I marry Dario and have to rule Spain by his side. I will not allow you to underestimate yourself now. Even if you only knew them for only two years of your life, they're your family. You guys will get along great." I told her and she sighed with a subtle smile.

" I heard from Renata that we go up in an hour. What do we do whilst we wait?" She asked. I shrugged.

"Let's just sit around and maybe eat something before going up there. Maybe by that time my nerves should stop giving me trouble." I said and Adriana laughed. We hung around, watching the performances from backstage. When it was a few minutes to our performance, Renata came and fixed our masks back on and fixed some small microphones on us.

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