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Everything hurts so bad. I began to regain consciousness slowly. My head was pounding with pain I couldn't help but groan about. I lifted my head and tried to stand but I realized that I was tied to something. I looked around, finding myself in an almost empty room with only a small window and a couch beside the door. I tried to cry out for help but my cries were muffled. I was still in my uniform which I thanked the heavens for. I tried to free myself yet again and my hand brushed against metal so I looked behind me to find a metal pole built in from ceiling down to the floor. Great, now I have no way of getting out of here. I felt a little queasy but shook my head slightly to get rid of the nausea that plagued at me.

"Oh hey, you're awake. Finally. I thought you were going sleep until the world ended." I heard the annoying nasal voice of my blonde kidnapper. I turned to where the voice sounded and found her sitting in another couch behind me. I yelled at her to let me go but it was muffled by the cloth tied around my mouth. "You can scream all you want, you won't get any help here and your little knight in shining armor won't be able to find you here either." She said as she approached me. She knelt down beside me with a psychotic smile. She did me the favor of taking the cloth off my mouth.

"Thank you. Now tell me what you want. You wanted the prince but you don't have him but me. What do you want with me?" I gritted out. She sighed and sat down criss crossed beside me.

"Well, it's a long story, I don't know where to begin." She said. I scoffed at her angrily.

"Okay then. Why don't you start with the reason why I'm tied to a motherfucking pole you whore!" I yelled. She feigned hurt, placing her hand on her chest. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh dear, why call me a whore and leave yourself out of the equation huh? Aren't you one yourself?" She said and sighed angrily.

"Don't you dare touch Prince Dario because I swear you'll regret it." I growled.

"Oh dear, you're not getting it are you? It's not about Prince Dario and the royalties of Spain alone, it's about you too." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows with confusion. "See ever since you broke it off with your ex, he's been very busy." At the mention of my ex-boyfriend my heartbeat escalated.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered, scared of the answer. The door to the room opened and in trotted my Ex-boyfriend, Andreas Lexus. I was impaled by what I was seeing. "A-Andreas?" He smiled, his light brown stone cold.

"Kimberly, nice to see you again." He said. Blondie got up and walked out. I was left, mouth hung open, staring at the man I thought I would never have to see in my life.

"W-what is this?" I whispered, shocked. He chuckled coldly.

"I heard that you and the prince are pretty intimate, what's up with that?" He asked, forgetting about my question. I felt like crying so bad.

"Andreas please answer my question. Why are you doing this?" I breathed out. He tilted his head and came closer, squatting next to me.

"Kimmy, you are so clueless. This is politics darling. Power is all we are all looking for. Your boyfriend is yet to inherit that power. It's unfair that some have to struggle whilst it's just handed to others isn't it?" He stood and walked around the pole I was tied to. "Ever since you broke up with me, I kept an eye on you. I didn't know that you were related to the royals-"

"That's because I'm not you insolent prick!" I yelled at him. He stopped walking and bent down, grabbing my face harshly in a death grip.

"Don't you dare interrupt me again, do I make myself clear?" He growled in my face. His grip on my face was starting to hurt a lot and I bet it would leave a mark there. I gathered some courage and spat in his face. He growled again and kicked me in the side. My ribs immediately began to burn as I screamed in pain. "Dirty bitch!" He grabbed my throat and squeezed it. My lungs burned as I struggled to breathe. He brought his face closer to mine and smirked sadistically. "You're lucky that I need you, or else you would be lying in a pool of your own blood." He threatened. He released my throat and I gasped, taking in huge gulps of air. "Now where was I? Ah yes. So I followed you here to Spain. I came into contact with the Irish royals who wanted to have a territory here in Spain but they were always refused of the offer which is why the King and Princess of Ireland are here. To carry out the wishes of their parents. We needed you to be the bait. We watched you for a long time, I and the Irish and came to know through our insider that you and the prince were very close so we figured that we could use you to bait the prince into signing the agreement. As we speak, your boyfriend is in the next room. He isn't awake yet since it was a little harder to capture him. Had to kill about four guards to get to him. Everything that has happened since the day you stepped your foot into Spain has been in the favour of the Irish and me so you better think twice about what you're going to do. If you refuse, the soon to be King dies and we take over Spain or he signs the agreement and everyone lives happily. You choose." He explained and stepped back. My mind couldn't wrap around what I had just heard. My body was numb and felt so damn heavy. What worried me most is that they had taken Dario too. Dario! My whole body felt like it had jump started.

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