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Today started out as normal as any day. I woke up early, practiced at the gun range, made myself breakfast and went down to bodyguard headquarters to prepare the schedules for the day. After I finished with the team, I was called into the throne room where I was told that both the king and queen wanted to talk to me. I got a bit scared but went anyways. Prince Dario was already there so I stood beside him. We shared a confused look as we stared at the king and queen. Queen Auradona took in a deep breath before showing us something on her tablet. It was a picture of me and Prince Dario from yesterday. My eyes widened and my breathing quickened. Below the picture was a headline in Spanish which simply said,

Flirting With The Bodyguard?

I didn't read any further and passed it to Prince Dario who read it and turned cold at the sight of it. I took it and gave it back to Queen Auradona with my head down. She took it and took my hand in hers. I looked up and she shook her head slowly. I didn't understand why she did that but then she let my hand go and I walked back to my previous position beside Prince Dario. King Arturo spoke.

"Senorita Galleido there's no need to feel scared. It's just the media, we'll deal with that." He said. I shook my head slowly.

"No. I'm not scared for myself. I'm scared for Prince Dario and you and Queen Auradona. The press can be really cruel sometimes and this is just the beginning. I know because back in California, a lot of news like this would appear on newspapers and the media just to get the people's attention and I really felt bad for all the stars that had to go through that kind of criticism. Now it's gonna happen to you and your family and I don't want that to happen. I won't let that happen." I rant.

"Maria Azul, we get that you are upset but you have to calm down. The press here and the press in California are different. Here, information will be forgotten easily and besides, in the picture, you were wearing sunglasses that disguise your identity. You're safe. For Prince Dario, a simple press conference can be held to clear it all up. It'll be okay. No need to worry." Queen Auradona assures.

"Okay then but that means that I'll have to stop being his bodyguard for a while to prevent anymore circulation about us, right?" I ask.

"Si. Just for a week. In between that time, you'll be training for your performance at the charity ball two weeks from now so you'll be okay." King Arturo says. I nod.

"May I be excused?" I ask absent mindedly. They both nod and I turn to go quickly. As I near the door Queen Auradona calls for me. I turn.

"Meet me in my chambers after you finish your duties today alright?" she asks politely. I nod with a stiff smile and leave quickly. A tear runs down my cheek. I have no idea why I'm crying but I do. I cry. I cry for the fact that I tried to hold myself away from him and ended up being attracted to him, only for this to happen. I cry for being broken hearted yet again. Why do I always do this? I rush to my room and cry. It's the only thing I can do right now. Break after holding so much frustration inside of me. So much anger and frustration. A knock comes to the door and I quickly wipe my tears. I sit up, walk to the door and open it to find Prince Dario. He comes in and hugs me immediately. I let myself cry in his arms. He closes the door and leads us to my bed. He sits me down and pulls a chair, then sits on it.

"I'm so sorry Maria. I'm so sorry that this happened I-" I cut him off.

"No, it wasn't you. It was the both of us. I should have thought properly and kept some space between us but I didn't-"a sob tears out of me, cutting my words off. He takes my hands in his and kisses my knuckles.

"Maria Azul, you know that it was an accident. It shouldn't ruin what we have between us." He said, looking hopeful. By shaking my head I could see that hope fading slowly.

"No, I'm sorry but it has to end. I can't let it happen again. I broke your parents' trust by getting into such a thing with you. Continuing this will only make things worse for us. Next thing I know, you're gonna get married to some princess who will be more of benefit to you and this country than I could ever be. I can't let my heart get broken again when that happens. Not again. Not ever. I'm tired of being broken, only to try to fix myself up again Dario. Your reputation and my heart are on the line here. I can't let either go to shreds." I end as I sob. He clutches my hand tighter.

"I don't care about my reputation Maria, I care about you. In this short time that I've known you, I've become fond of you a lot and I guess that I...I think that I...that I'm in love with you." He admits more to himself than to me. My heart skips a beat and I feel the need to explode.

"Say what now?" I whisper. He looks into my eyes as I look into his to find only sincerity.

"Kimberly Maria Azul Galleido, I'm so very in love with you. I've never felt what I feel for you for anyone. You're the one person who's managed to make me happy again after my depression about my sister. You're the one person who has challenged me, made me chase you. Above all the women who I've met in this life, I've never quite met someone as smart, tough but soft, beautiful and talented like you. I love you Maria Azul and there's nothing that you could do, that would make me love you less. I don't know how this happened but all I know is that I'm ready to chase you no matter how far you run from me." He ended. I bit my lip and looked down. He's in love with me and I've only been here for a month and a few weeks. What is this man doing to me?

"Wow, um, okay this is a lot to take in. Whoo!'" I hollered and he laughed a bit. I looked at him with awe. "How can you fall in a love with a nineteen year old girl in just a month and a few weeks?" I asked. He shrugged and kissed my palms.

"I don't know. You do that to me and I guess I'm all for staying with you until you're ready." He says.

"But we have to separate ourselves from each other-"he cuts me off.

"No. No way am I letting you go. I'm staying with you. We can keep this a secret. No one needs to know about us. It'll be our little secret." He said.

"What about you parent-"

"Like I said, it's out little secret. You can tell whomever you please as long as you trust them not to spill. I'm begging you just please don't leave me. It'll really drive me crazy." He says. When I think about it, leaving him would really hurt me as well. I don't want to let him go. I don't want my heart broken again. I nod with a smile and he pulls me into a hug. I end up on his lap, straddling him. He pulls back a little and stares at my face which gets me a bit worried.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I ask, feeling my face. He grabs my hands and shakes his head.

"No. You look absolutely beautiful to me. Just perfect." He whispers the last part. My face turns crimson and I look down. He tilts my head up and connects our lips in a passionate kiss. I fist a handful of his hair and deepen the kiss. Our lips move furiously against each other and I can't say that I don't like it because the fact is that I'm really loving it. The feeling of his lips against mine is heavenly and the heat radiating from his body warms mine to a burning point which I crave for. Soon we both pull away and stare into each other's eyes.

"I can never get rid of you can I?" I whisper. He shakes his head with a goofy smile on his face. He wipes the remaining dry tears on my face and stands with me still strapped to him. I get off him and pull a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Well, I guess you better go then. I also have training with Manuel so I guess I better go too." I say with a laugh and head for the door. He quickly grabs me by the waist and places a kiss on my cheek.

"Be safe. I love you." He says and I nod. He lets me go and I head out to bodyguard headquarters. 

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