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I open my eyes slowly. My head hurts a lot. My back hurts even more. I can't feel my legs. My eyes are still droopy and I feel the need to sleep but I look around. The walls are blank white and the lighting in here is a bit dim. My eyes land on a sleeping figure beside me but I can't see who it is due to my blurry vision. Slowly the person's face comes into focus. Prince Dario? It is him. Why would he be here?

"Prince Dario?" I call out to him and he snaps up in no time. Huh, easier than the last time. He quickly grabs my arm.

"You're awake." He says with relief and a smile. I smile with furrowed eyebrows.

"Looks like it. How long was I out?" I ask.

"One night but what's more important is that you're awake." He said. Something pops into my mind.

"The baby! The lady and the baby. Are they okay?" I asked frantically. Prince Dario rubs circles on the back of my hand and it quickly calms me down.

"They're fine. All thanks to you. You are so selfless. You saved that baby then when you wake up you ask about the well being of another. You're really something special, lo sabes?" he said breathlessly. I suddenly get pulled into his forest green orbs. Those eyes that hold me captive every time I stare into them. Those eyes that make me disobey all my mind's desires. Those eyes that draw me closer and closer every time. What is this man doing to me? And what's worse is that those eyes belong to the man I am to protect for an entire year. My Prince. Soon to be king of Espana. "You are so beautiful." He whispers. He thinks I'm beautiful? Wow Kim, could you be anymore stupid to accept this? I look away from him and right on cue the queen and king enter. They both extremely worried. The queen rushes to me and engulfs me in a hug which sends a sharp pain down my back. I hiss and she quickly lets me go.

"Oh carino. Como esta?" she asks and takes a seat beside your bed.

"I'm fine. Just fine so can I go back to being Prince Dario's bodyguard?" I ask quirkily. She shakes he head.

"Oh no. No, definitely not. You are to stay in bed and recover. Your parents are on the way here. You're going to recover before you can go back to being a bodyguard." She says, I frown. The king gives me a sad smile.

"But how long am I supposed to wait?" I ask.

"The doctor said that you hit your head pretty hard and your spine has a bit of a fracture too but it will heal in no time if you just rest and heal properly so you'll have to be put to bed rest for about a month and two weeks." She says. My eyes bulge out of their sockets.

"Huh?! Wait, so in that time, who's gonna take my place?" I ask worriedly.

"Manuel will do that. No se preoccupe Maria, it'll be fine." She assures me. I let my head hit the pillow as I blow out some air. "Thank you though." The queen says and grabs my hand. My head snaps her way.

"Si. If it wasn't for you, our son might have been hurt and there would be no one to rule this country." The king says. I smile and shake my head.

"No need to thank me, it's my job to protect him and I'll do it over and over again for my country." I said. Part of that sentence was a lie. I knew somewhere in my heart that that wasn't the reason I saved him. Sure, I served my country but I feel as though I did it for myself. I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. The door opens to reveal my parents.

"Mom! Dad!" I say, my vision blurring with tears. They rush to me and hug me while showering me with kisses.

"Mi preciosa hija how did this happen?" my dad asks with a worried expression. My mom just can't stop crying. I laugh.

"Well it's a bit of a long story but I promise I'll tell you later." I say. My mom smiles through her tears and caresses my cheek.

"Oh my baby, you're okay." She says. I roll my eyes at their reactions.

"You guys are acting like I was about to get murdered." I say with a laugh. My dad slaps my arm.

"Don't you ever say that. I may be really immature but there's no way I'm going to lose my only daughter." He says with a stern face.

"Ouch dad. Okay fine, I won't say stuff like that anymore but you have to promise me not hit me like that again." I joke. He kisses his pinky and holds it out. I kiss my own pinky and connect mine with his.

"Galleido's honor." We both say and laugh. We would always do this when I was young and sometimes when I grew older. My mom giggled.

"It's good to see you guys again." I say. They frown.

"We'll only be able to see you until you recover. It's all Auradona's doing." My dad turns and glares at the Queen. She rolls her eyes at him.

"If you want to see your daughter every day, don't steal my crown." She says bluntly.

"Auradona that was a month ago, stop holding so much of a grudge." He spits at her. She looks taken aback.

"Well look at you. It's because of that stupid grudge you hold against me that put us all here in the first place Annibal." She seethes back. My dad sticks his tongue out at her and she rolls her eyes at him. "Oh yeah, real mature Annibal." She says with a laugh.

"Okay, we have to get going." The king says. They both stand but Prince Dario stays seated. I turn my head to him to find him already staring at me.

"Um, Prince Dario? Aren't you gonna head back to the palace with the King and Queen?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"I'm going to stay right here until you're discharged." He says. I shake my head vigorously.

"No way. You have to go attend to other things at the palace. You have duties-"he cuts me off.

"I'm not leaving here until you have been discharged. Simple." He says with finality. My parents share a look and same happens with the king and queen. I sigh.

"Okay." I say and his eyes light up.

"Okay then. We'll be leaving now. Although we will come to see you tomorrow. Dario, be safe. Take care of her." The king says, Prince Dario nods and they both walk out.

"We're going to talk with the doctor. We'll be back in a few." My mom says and they both give me kisses on my forehead. They leave and soon, it's just me and Prince Dario again. I turn to find him staring at me already. How am I going to deal with him? 

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