Chapter Twelve: Smart Assy

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Ryan didn't blame Lilah. Lilah explained to Ryan how Julian didn't want her here, and how he most likely did this to get her to leave. To Lilah's surprise, Ryan believed her. He just said, "Tell me why I'm not surprised," then stormed off.

Lilah was glad the blame was off her shoulders and that the internship was still hers. She was angry at Julian, more than he'd ever made her before. Previously, she tried to act like everything was okay, but now she wasn't going to do this. Now, she was going to be the bitchiest boss she could be. Well, to Julian anyway. She already felt sorry that the other guys had to deal with Julian's outburst, and the backlash that came with it. The media went wild. There were multiple articles about how Julian was the "worst rockstar of the decade," and how he was "impulsive" and "disgusting." He brought this on himself, Lilah thought.


It was the day after the interview. Lilah had lunch with Fab after Julian's scene, but then stayed in her room all day. She must've fell asleep before Julian came to his room, because she hadn't seen him.

Today was the first concert of the tour. Lilah woke up early like always and got herself ready. She decided on her high-waisted black denim skirt, and the Strokes merch tee that they'd be selling at the venue. She topped it with her distressed denim jacket. She put on her every day makeup and curled her hair. She'd just finished getting ready and decided to call Melody.

The phone only had to ring once before Melody answered, "Well, well, well if it isn't my soul mate that I've not seen for 800 years."

"Hi Mel. I've missed you." Melody could tell something was up. Her friend was excited, but not near the level of excitement Melody was expecting.

"What's wrong Dee?" Melody asked. Lilah didn't even feel like objecting to the name her friend commonly called her.

"Julian acted out. Could've risked me this internship. All because he wants me to leave," Lilah sighed and couldn't look her friend in the eye. She was shocked this was bothering her as much as it was.

Lilah further explained the details to Melody. Melody listened but was angered with every word her friend said. She could tell her best friend was hurt. She even threatened to fly to LA to "kick his narcissistic ass."

Lilah laughed at her friend's choice of words. Before Mel had to go, they simultaneously asked two questions. Mel asked, "How's Albert?" Lilah asked, "Why does he hate me so much?" The girls both laughed but answered each other to the best of their ability.

"Al's fine. As always. He most likely is thinking of you right now," Lilah winked at her friend. Lilah wondered how Mel and Fletch were doing, but she thought she'd wait and ask that another time.

"I think he hates you because he doesn't want to hate you," Melody told her friend. Lilah was confused. Not only because what her friend said was completely bizarre, but because it was poetic. Opposite of Melody.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, after I felt extremely uncultured on The Strokes and all that, I researched some stuff about them. Shocking right? Anyway, Julian just got out of a relationship, right? Well, he's probably sensitive around girls. Especially super-duper hot ones like you," Melody answered confidently.

Lilah knew Julian was in a relationship that ended badly. Duh, she was a superfan. She never thought about it that way. When her and her boyfriend ended things, she hated being out and around guys. Everyone reminded her of him. Lilah got over it. She realized she was being stupid, and that she shouldn't blame the male race on one idiotic guy. However, Julian's actions were making her rethink that.

"I'll keep my distance as best as I can. Mel, I'll give him time, but he has to realize that we are going to be stuck together for 2 more months."

The girls said their goodbyes, and Lilah scrolled through social media but the only thing she could think about was him. Him. He was just in the next room. Lilah listened for movement, but she was still the only one awake.


It was almost 12 P.M. when Fab came barging in her room.

"Good morning lovely Lilah," he said as he laid next to her. He was only in pajamas and she could tell he'd just woken up.

"Hi Fab. You ready for the show tonight?" She smiled at him and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah I'm psyched. I hope everything goes smoothly. We're kind of still pissed at Jules." He closed his eyes and let out a big sigh.

This worried Lilah. Of course, they had every right in the world to be mad at him. He acted like an asshole and gave their band a bad image. However, one of her jobs was to get them on stage at the right time, and have the show go smoothly. She hoped she could get them on the same page before tonight. Her thoughts were interrupted by Fab's voice.

"How are you doing? I heard from Ryan that he acted like this because of you, which is totally screwed. You're amazing."

She didn't want to lie to Fab, but she thought that if she acted okay, maybe Fab and the others would ease into forgiving him faster.

"I'm doing good, actually. I've learned that assholes will be assholes, and I have a job to do," Lilah hesitantly replied. She was never a good liar. Melody could see right through her. Hopefully, Fab wouldn't notice.

"That's great to hear Lilah, really. I'm gonna shower and maybe we can ALL hang before the show." Lilah noticed his emphasis on "all." This looked like this was a step at forgiving Julian, at least for Fab anyway.

Lilah went into the living room and saw that Nikolai wasn't there. He must've gone to see the other guys, she thought. Believe it or not, Lilah was excited for the show tonight. The first Strokes' concert she went to was still the best night of her life, despite Julian being a dick. She grabbed a granola bar and soda from the kitchen and sat on the counter top.

She was almost finished when she heard footsteps coming. Fab should be out of the shower by now, she thought, but the voice she heard was not that of her new friend. It was Julian. Groggy and beautiful.

"You're still here..." He trailed off as he walked into the kitchen. Lilah was surprised he didn't sound angry or smart assy, he sounded defeated. Sad, almost. His big brown eyes stared into her smaller ones. They were glossed over. Lilah thought he'd been crying. Before she could think reply, or even think of replying, his lips spoke again.


Author's Note: Hi! Feels good to get back to writing. I'm hoping to update every 2-3 days, but things change. Life happens. That's just the way it is. ;) Plus, would ya'll be interested in a song per chapter. Like I'd recommend a song to listen to that goes with the chapter? Is that lame? I don't know. Give me feedback, much love xx.


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