Chapter 1 (The Crime Scene)

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( 3:02 am in the neighborhood )
Everyone's fast asleep....the window cracked open, cold wind following the smiling he stared down at the 9-year-old boy's face, he chuckled and whispered "such a sweet-looking boy..." The boy slowly opened his eyes and looked up..he gasped in horror, accidentally hitting the lamp on the table beside his bed, too terrified to let out any sound.....
"shh...don't force yourself little boy...Just GO TO SLEEP..."The killer whispered...
*the sound of sirens followed the screams and tears of the boys parents*
The boy was stabbed through his chest and cut opened, missing both his kidneys,
on his bedroom wall was written with his own blood...a sign..the proxy sign-
The police couldn't find the killer or any evidence at all...

(In the Woods)
"JESUS CHRIST JEFF!YOU COULD HAVE GOT CAUGHT!!" said the dog with a huge smile,

"relax smile, i'm here now am I?" said Jeff as he pets the talking dog,

JEFF*starts walking*: "Now let's get back before the boss finds out"

SMILE DOG *follows* :"yea.. we better.."
Smile dog noticed a familiar smell coming from Jeff's pockets,

SMILE DOG *looks at jeff*: "Hey um..Jeff?"

JEFF:*not looking back at smile dog, while putting his hands in his pockets*: "yea what?'

SMILE DOG*sniffs jeffs pockets*:" that?..."

JEFF: "yup.whats wrong?"

SMILE DOG *surprised*: "nothing really, it's just..i never knew you liked..umm..Kidneys"

JEFF *not changing his tone*: "Oh, they aren't for me"

SMILE DOG: "Oh? well, who are they fo-"

JEFF: "We're here.."

SMILE DOG *Looks back up at the old mansion in the middle of the woods* "o..h ok.."


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The Horror and Pleasure of Our Love (Jeff The Killer x Eyeless Jack fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now