Chapter 11 (Play Time With Sally)

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(12:35 am In The Slendermansion)

"H-Hey Ben!!" Toby yawns as he walks towards the dinning table were Ben was already playing in his Gameboy, Ben turns around and smiles "oh hey sleepyhead",

Toby yawns again "I-i was up s-s-so la-latEEeee",Ben rolled his eyes,"I know dumbass",

Toby sits down on the chair beside Ben still half asleep, Ben puts his Gameboy down and looks at Masky and Hoodie past by, Ben turned to Toby, "Have you seen Jeff?",

Toby tilts his head,usually he was the one who would ask Ben that question,Toby thought for a moment then shrugs, "I h-h-haven't se-seen hi-him on the w-way down h-h-here",

Ben leans back to his seat,"hm- he isn't in his room either", Toby stood up to get a waffle that was in the fridge,
"w-well maybe h-h-he's out ki-killing so-something a-again",

Toby slides the plate of waffle on the table,"I h-h-haven't seen E.J. a-as w-w-well", Ben shakes his head- "He's probably still in his room reading his doctor book or whatever u call it",

Toby took a bite of the waffle- "ya-yahf u-ufh hafwhf h-h-hashf" Ben looked at Toby with an kinda annoyed face, "Toby...swallow, I can't hear a word your saying",

Just in the same time,Jeff walks in the dinning room wearing...Jack's hoodie
,He was also..covered in several hickies and bite marks around his neck,

Ben and Toby stared at Jeff who had no idea what was wrong and was still half asleep with a shocked exppression on their faces,Ben whispered to Toby,"do you think he know we're right here?",

Toby looked at Jeff and back at Ben "nupe", Jeff rubs his right eye and looked at Ben and Toby,

Jeff then sees Ben and Toby staring at him"What??There something in my face?",
Ben snickered,"Hey uh- Jeff",

Jeff grabed a glass of milk and sat down,"What?", Ben and Toby looked at each other and snickered again

"Wh-what were y-y-you and j-j-jack doing l-last night?" Toby smirked and tilts his head waiting for Jeff's answer,

Jeff shook his head finally waking up fully looked at Ben then Toby, who were both smirking, "What are you talking abo-"

Jeff felt a hand grabbing his waist and turned to see Jack, "Oi why did you leave me in the room without waking me up huh?" Jack hugged Jeff from the back and layed his chin on his head, Jeff blushed then finally remembered what happened last night- "hmphhhh-"Jeff covers his red face with both his hand,

"You two looked like you had fun heh-"Jack and Jeff turned around to see Liu's smirking face, "GODAMMIT LIU NO ONE ASKED YOU TO SPEAK", Liu chuckled and shruged his shoulders,"Sorry,but i don't need listen to bottom boys"He smirked again looking at the hickies on Jeff's neck,

Jeff blushed again and digged his head on the Jack's hoodie that he was wearing,"HGSHDHAGGDJHGAJH" He screamed on the hoodie he was wearing,

"Welp- i gotta go hunt some humans down...before i try eat you again,I'll be back..uh soon" Jack then patted Jeff's head softly and left the dinning table,Jeff watched the creature leave and giggled and blushes,

"This day can NOT get anymore weirder..."Ben blinked in disbelieve
,"a-agreed"Toby chuckled,

Just then Sally rushed to the room with a happy expression carrying a big paper bag,"Guys guys!" Sally giggled, Ben looks at the plain white bag,"What is it?",
Sally smiles "Yesterday i didn't get to play dress up with you cause daddy said i needed to go to bed earlier,But he also promise i could go shopping for new dresses with Lazari and Uncle Splendor,so i got more pretty dresses for Toby, Jeffy and chu!!!hehehe",

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