Chapter 6 (Save Him)

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(The Medic room in The Slendermansion)
"I came here as fast as i could...what's the problem?" a women wearing a black nurse outfit with hair that covers of her one eye and stitches all over her legs came in the room,

"A-ANN!" Toby yelled, The nurse saw Jeff on a hospital bed bleeding badly, "oh..i-" She rushed to Jeff and checked his heartbeat- "I'm surprised he's still alive.."Ann looked at Jeffs wounds and scars-

Ben walked towards Ann.."He did survive a Fire, Heavy amount of Blood lost before...Can you do anything about it?please...." Ann looked at Bens worried face,

"you don't see that everyday..." Ann thought to herself, "b-but i'm not a doctor i don't know how to do this"

"C-Can y-y-you t-try?...Ju-just t-this o-once A-ann p-please" Toby begged, Ann shook her head " sorry bu-"

then Masky whispered to Anns ear "You leave him like that your gonna be just like 'him' "

Ann suddenly remembered her pass which made her agree to try- She sighs "I'll do it. But im going to need space-"

Ann looked around and found a bunch of hospital tools,"I need all of you to wait outside right NOW-",

Ben,Masky,Hoodie and Toby walked out the room and sat down on the chairs in the living room,

Nurse Ann inhales a deep breath and started-

They all sat on the massive living room worried, even Masky-

"h-hey d-do y-you t-t-think Jeff i-is g-going to b-be ok?..." Toby asked,

Masky took a bottle of beer out and opened it, "He'll be fine has long Ann doesn't try to kill him" Masky answered drinking the bottle of beer

"What happened to him anyway?" Masky looked at Ben with a confused face-

"I honestly don't know..." Ben replied, lying down on the couch head on Toby's Lap-

The room went silents for awhile, then Ben sat back up- "JACK!" Ben whispered loudly to everyone,

Yes... everyone recalled E.J. running out of the mansion without stopping, blood dripping out of His mouth and fingers-

"B-but w-why w-w-would E.J. d-do such a thin-thing if he l-l-liked Jeff?" Toby questioned not realizing what slipped out of his mouth,

"What!??" Masky said really surprised on what he just heard,

Toby covers his mouth with his bandaged finger hands,

"Jack what now!?" A person said coming out of the dinning room,

"JACKS A GAY BOII!?!?" Ben looked at Toby

"OH LIU IT'S YOU...your brother he's umm-" Ben tries to find a word for it but gets interupted,

"Yea i know-" Liu rolled his eyes and chuckled, "And your....not worried?" Masky looked at Liu dead in the eyes while smoking his cigar-

"nah not really, That asshole survived worse" Liu explained sitting down on the other couch near by, "but what did you said about Jack liking my lil brother-"

Toby looked at everyone realizing everyones focas was on him "w-w-well y-you s-see now..heheh.." Toby laughed nervously,

Toby started explaining "J-jeff w-was o-o-once train-training with h-his knife o-outside a-a-and i was w-watching him w-while e-e-ating m-m-my waffle...l-l-ike it was so d-d-ealicious-s..i-it had this syrup-p, i h-hhad no idea w-w-what it w-was b-b-b-but it was s-so dam-m gooooood and the textu-"


"ok-okok g-geez masky- Well while i was e-eating my waffle, i saw J-jack staring at Jeff fr-from out of this window-w f-for s-s-s-someeeee reason, s-so i j-just finished m-mah waffle and w-w-went up to check on E.j., and w-when i got up st-stairs i, The d-door was s-somehow opennnn and i kinda saw E.J."

"Saw him do what??" Ben was unpatient-

Toby covered his face and blushed gesturing a jerking off movment

"w-what?" Ben blushed,everyone was silent from what they just heard from Toby,

"important question..." Liu said in a very serious tone...

"Y-yes?" Toby looked at Liu still blushing,

"How big was it?" Liu asked,

Toby blushed even harder,"e-excuse me, to g-go to t-the ba-bathroom" Toby said covering his crotch with his hoodie as he walked away.

Masky chuckled,"wow...Jack got some dirty secrets too huh?Well thats surprising-"Masky passes his half smoked cigar to Hoodie-
After what seemed like forever,Nurse Ann walked in the living room with stained blood and dripping sweat all over her face"He's in stable conditions now,all he needs is a little rest"

"Can we go and see him?"Liu asked, "yea sure, just don't stress him out too much,oh and bring him a glass of water or something" Ann Replied while taking off her surgical mask,

"Anyway i need to get going now,call me again if you need anymore help with Jeff or the others" The others thanked Ann as she walked out the Mansion picking up her Chainsaw and heads out,

Everyone went up to the Medical Room to see Jeff still breathing and awake,his arms and neck were all covered and wrapped in bandages... "won't this look familiar for him" Ben looked at Jeff,

at least there weren't anymore blood dripping down , "JEFF!" Ben rushed to Jeff wanting to give him a hug or a high five but stopped to see Jeffs disappointed face (just because he's forever smiling doesn't mean he can't cry),

"Hey jeff-Whats wrong man?"Ben looked at Jeff-

"wheres jack?..." Jeff said under his breath...

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