Chapter 12 (Jealous Jacky boy)

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(2:57 The Slenderman Woods)

"three...four...five..six"I counted the kidneys I have stolen from people,"at least they didn't die"I thought to myself while chewing on the organs as I makes my way back to The Slender Mansion,

finishing the bloody organs and licked all five of my fingers,
Then someone opens the front door,"Hey Jack!!"Sally bounces in front of  mr and started tugging on my hoodie,"What is it Sally?", Sally huffs, "Just come in quick if you wanna pet Jeffy kitty", I looked at Sally confused and followed Sally to the Living room,

I see Liu look out the window and turned to us, "Hey lil Bro, your boyfriend is back",My brother Liu looks over Me with Toby,Ben and Sally taking pictures with Offenders help,I looked at Liu in Horror "WHAT???",I looked at myself and the others and quickly tried to run away,

"Nuh uh uh,Your not going a n y w h  e r e" Ben gripped on the skirt i was wearing,"u-ugh Ben let go!",

Offender picked me up on his shoulder which reveald a bit of the female panties, "O-offender put me DOWN!!!" i tried punching his back and squirmming around, "Just calm down already"The Tall creature used one of his tentacle like things and lift my skirt up,My face turned red,

No one chould really see me cause Sally,Toby and Ben were all behind Offender,They were all just giggling at my face, Liu coughed,blushed and looked away "LIU HELP ME DOWN WOULD YOU?",Liu didn't answer me,"Sally will you pls go get Jack here?"

Offender looked back at the little girl who was still giggling,"Ok Offendy!"The she rushed out the living room and went to let Jack in, I groaned, "plsdontopenthedoor"I begged, Sally not hearing me opens the door and lets Jack in..

EYELESS JACK : while walking to the living room i hear laughter and shouting of...."Jeff?" I whispered to myself,Sally runs off to the living room not waiting for me,
JEFF THE KILLER : Sally runs back in the living room,"PUT ME DOWN!!!", I pushed Offender the hardest and without warning He drops me,I turned around and fell on Jack, I sat back up and rubbed my head,"Oww..", I looked down to see Jack's blushing face, "u...HUH?" Still on the floor and moved back from Jack, "oh fu3k- Y-You good?"On my knees i bend forward to see if Jacks ok,
HOMICIDAL LIU : I looked over Jeff as he bends down, "ugh-" I blushed and looked away, if ur gonna wear a skirt at least remember its a skirt- i covered Sallys eyes,

Jack sits up and stares at Jeff, "U-uh,Jeff...y-your", Jeff chuckled akwardly "Some kind anime cat girl",Jack looked at Jeff then at Toby and Ben, His black sockets widen, "i...see..",

Toby nudged Bens arm, "pfffft did c-c-chu hear t-that Ben?He s-s-said i SEE",Toby giggled as he whispered to Ben,
Ben took a while to realised the joke but laughed as well,

Ben walked a step back and tripped over Sally's teddy bear,He tried holding on something so gripped the side table which cause the flower pot on it to fall over, Water splashed all over Ben, "GA!WATER",Ben shouted,

Jeff stood up and rushed towards his elf friend to help up but instead thee water slipped him and Jeff fell on top of Ben, Ben was soaking wet,Jeff...not so,Jeff sat back up with his legs between Bens crotch,

"you fu3king dumba$$-"Jeff rubs the back of his head, Jack looked at Jeff and Ben in the position and for some reason got annoyed,Toby looked at them and laughed even harder,"Y-you g-g-guys looks s-s-so lewdddd-dd", Offender chuckled as well,

Offender picked Jeff up again "UAH- What are you doing again???" Jeff growls at Offender, "I helped you up, be thankful" Offender thn used one of his tentacles and sqeezed all the water out of Jeffs skirt and then wiggled his fake tail abit, "hmpf~ stopppp!!!" Jeff hit Offendy in the face but Offender dodges, "hehe"

Ben glared at Toby and pulled down his silk skirt,"W-WAIT DON'T !!",Toby covered his crotch area and blushed bending forward abit,

Masky walked in the room and sees Tobys bunny tail, the room goes silent....then sally starts giggling again, "MASKY COME HEREEE hehehe",
Masky blinked and came back to his senses,"U-uh not now Sally ineedagobyeseeyoulater",Then ran off,Toby sighs in realived and letting go of his crotch area forgetting people are still around him,

I looked at Offender and walked over, I looked up at the tall creature that was holding MY Jeff, "what do you want huh?" The tall creature spoke, "Give him to me..." I responsed, "or else what?" Offender chuckled, "Give him to me" I said once more with a demonic static in my voice, Offender chuckled "Ok big boy, here" He puts Jeff back down with his tentacle ,

I picked Jeff up bride style, "U-uh Jack wtf are you doing?" Jeff grabbed tight on my hoodie, "I'm taking you up my room, beacuse your mine", Jeff blushes, I see Liu rolled his eyes annoyed, I ignored him-

i looked over Ben and Toby feeling uncomfortable with the things they were wearing and staring at me with puppy eyes , I sighs "Come here" Ben and Toby's face lightened up and followed us back to my room,

Sally frowns, "oh least i got my pictures...",Liu smiled at Sally and they both went outside to play i guess...

",Liu smiled at Sally and they both went outside to play i guess

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The Horror and Pleasure of Our Love (Jeff The Killer x Eyeless Jack fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now