Chapter 4 (Jeff's Punishment)

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(In The SlenderMansion)
Jeff stormed into his room and shut the door behind him,
Jeff screamed and took his knife out and started throwing, stabbing and slicing the walls of his room,

"WHAT IS THAT FU3KERS PROBLEM!??" He yelled to himself when the door creaked open,

"I DON'T GIVE A SH*T, GET THE FU3K OUT!"Jeff yelled at whoever that person is, he didn't care at all.

"Hey..uh jeff I know this isn't a good time..but umm The boss wants you in his office-"Ben DROWNED said ignoring what Jeff told him what to do-

Jeff turned to Ben calming down a bit, "what does he want now?"
Ben shrugged "He didn't tell me-"

Jeff lets out a deep sigh, "I'll be there in a sec-" jeff said while putting on a layer of his fresh hoodie.

(In The Slendermans Office)
Jeff opens the door finding Slenderman sitting on his chair catching up with the latest newspaper news, he shuts the door behind him quietly and walked towards the tall unhuman creature-

"You summoned me my lord?? heh-" Jeff chuckled joking around,

"Ah yes Jeffery Woods take a seat," Slenderman said as he turns to the next page of the newspaper,
Jeff sits on the nearest chair he was next to-

"What is it you want me for boss?" Jeff asks, looking around the room a bit.

"Well Jeffery, I want you to explain why did you head out today without my permission, because right now you are in the headlines of this newspaper , You could have got into serious trouble", The tall pale creature stood up,and looked down at Jeff, "You will be given a punishment for the thing you just did Jeffery-"

"PUNISHMENT??WHAT?"Jeff looked at the tall creature in horror,

''yes,i'm afraid so, you should have never broke the rule",Slenderman remaining very calm stretched his black tentacles like things,
"FOR FU3K SAKE W-WAI-"Jeff screamed ,not being able to finish his sentence he immediately had a blackout,

(6:45 pm In The Slendermansion)
Jeff woke up,cold sweat dripping down his pale face,
he looked around and found that he was on the floor of the underground dungeon the mansion use for the
unwanted visitors, he had no strength to get up at all,he felt like he was drugged,
"ughh..." he tried punching the ground put was too weak to- He turned around
"who.. the fu3k is there!?", a shadow of a man appeared  coming down the stairs-
Jack puts on his favourite black hoodie "I shouldn't have shouted at him like that.."

Jack lets out a big sigh, he grabs his Masks and and puts it on then walks out the room
finding Ticci Toby and Ben Drowned sitting down in the other end of the hall eating a bowl of ramen noodles,

"H-Hey E-E.J.!!" he truned around seeing Toby waving at him, Jack only nodded and truned away,

"i-its k-kin-kinda f-funny h-how E.J. r-rarely s-speaks huh B-Ben?"
Toby looked at Ben as he sips all the soup out of the bowl of ramen

"Mmmmhm-" Ben replied, "i m-mean i-i-its not l-like h-he lost h-his mo-mouth o-or anyth-anything" Toby whisperd to Ben,forgetting E.J.'s perfectly functioning ears which were 20 times better than theirs,

"PFFT- holy sh*t dude, shhh He might hear you" Ben whispered back to Toby trying not to laugh-
Jack turned back around and started walking towards the two boys , "hahaha...s-sh*t d-dude do y-you t-think h-he h-heard u-us??-" Toby laughed nervously,Ben looked at Toby "No shit dude..........wait did you just swear!?"

Jack stared at Toby and Ben for a while, "d-dam..those eyes- i mean eye sockets are staring right through my dead soul" Ben whispered to Toby, "where's Jeff?" Jack asked the two with a very calm tone,

"o-oh well the boss asked for he's probably in the office" Ben replied calming down a bit-
"thanks-" Jack then headed for the Office-
"w-wow i g-guess i h-haven't hear h-h-his voice f-for a w-while, h-he s-sounds p-p-pretty c-cute" Toby watched as Jack walked away, "hey!I'm cute too!" Ben looked up at Toby,seeing him completey ignoring him,

"what reason would The boss need him for"Jack thought to himself, He arrives Slendermans office door but didn't knock,instead he placed his ear next to the door hearing Jeff's terrified voice...then silents..
Jack took a step back and hid knowing someone was about to open the office door,
He sees the door open and Slenderman carrying Jeff but didn't follow, "i'll definitely get caught if i follow them.." luckly overhearing Jeffs conversion with the boss he knew where he was bringing Jeff-

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