Chapter 7 (Attached to you)

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(In The Slenderwoods)

Jack ran to find he was really close to the mainstreet which leads to the neighborhood...

Jack puts on his mask and hoodie covering his unhuman face completely and went straight to find the nearest public bathroom they have there-

he eventually found one,went in,locked the door and washed of the blood on his hands ,he looked in the mirror"
....what am i going to do now?..." He remembers everything he did do Jeff and starts tearing up the black tears..."WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME-"

He questioned himself and felt rage and frustration boiling up his body,he punched the mirror which shattered in to bits-
"Hello?Is anyone in there?"A person trying to get in the toilet knocked on the door again, Jack saw the door open and hid "wow who needs a lock there,if it doesn't even work"

Jack looked at the 23 year old man as he walk in...

"hey is anyone...oh well"The man then went to wash his hands, He saw the broken mirror and all the shattered glass on the floor and looked around "um...anyone there?..", The 23 year old man looked at the other mirror which reflected Jacks reflection,
The man turned around finding no one there, "W'-WHO'S THERE!?"

Jack slammed the door shut and strated walking towards the man, "y-your that creature...your the monster.."Terrified knowing what Jack would do,

The man ran to the end of the bathroom "fu3k deadend" The man looked at Jack while he tries to grab the nearest object around him...which was a a broom stick,just a regular broom stick..

The man tried to grab it but it was too late, Jack punched the man not that hard...just hard enough for That man to fall unconscious-
Jack walked out of the Bathroom and walked to a nearby neighbourhood..

"where's Jack?.." Jeff looked around the room not finding anyone wearing a black hoodie,a blue mask and no one smelling like rotten organs

"......" Jeff lies back down, "Jeff don't worry about him,we....we'll find him soon,and besides he'll be fine ,he can take care of himself" Ben smiles as he told Jeff,

Jeff then saw Liu in the room "Liu?...Why are you here??-", Liu shrugged "Eh- nothing better to do other than watch you lying there looking like a hopeless ass" Liu smirked,

Jeff chuckled "i've taught well-" "Yea right, like you taught me anything,the only thing you did was try to kill me after i sacraficed jail for you" Liu looked at his Brother with an annoyed face,

"Welllll i'll be honest, You look alot better then before, hotter actually- " Jeff said sticking out his tounge at Liu,

Liu smirked again and whipered "gay boy", Ben looked at Liu then Jeff nervously,
Jeff blushed, "w-what?nah fu3k off dude-" He looked away covering his face a lil to hide the blush,

"Jack jearked of to you-" Masky looked at Jeff with a straight face as he finishes his bottle of beer, "Wow Your just really straight forward huh?" Liu looked at Masky chuckling a bit-

Jeffs face turned hard red o/////o "W-what!?..w-when?" Liu laughed

"Bro look at your face, you look like ur about to murder someone but ur too shy to-" Liu fell to  chair and countinued laughing, Jeff cover his entire face still blushing madly, "Anyway hows your arms?"Masky asked but Jeff was too busy having a gay panic-

Toby entered the room "H-hey J-jeff your o-okay!!!Oh by t-the way-y look w-what i found-d" Toby skipped towards the hospital bed where Jeff was still having a gay panic and handed over a photo,

The Horror and Pleasure of Our Love (Jeff The Killer x Eyeless Jack fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now