Chapter 8 (Come back)

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(12:00 am in the nearby town)
Jeff looked up and gasped in surprise "jesus fuck- *sighs* its just a pathetic police wanna be" ,
a Park Ranger terrified and shaking, holding a gun down at him "I-it's you! d-don't move or i'll s-shoot"
Jeff rolled his eyes and stood back up without hesitation, the man still holding the gun right at him as he stood up- "You people really can't mind ur own goddam business huh?" Jeff sighs annoyed-

"i-i said don't move you pyschopat-" The ranger not being able to finish his sentence when, Jeff chukled has he grabbed the knife from his pocket and slices the ranger's throat, The ranger gasped then fell on both his knees while gripping his neck,

Jeff looked down at the man and tilts his head, he crouch down to the park rangers level and spoke in his ear, "if u don't want to die a painful death- tell me... the creature, where is he?", He looked at the terrified man as he shook his head and tried to speak, "i-i don't k-know whe-" Jeff traced the mans face with his knife,

and whispered "useless..." Then he stabbed him through his hands and cutting a deeper slice in the Rangers throat.

Jeff stood back up- *sigh* "i should'nt be wasting my time" Jeff then spotted an abandon medical store and raced towards it, He opens the door and walks in

, he looked around- "JACK!" Jeff spots Jack lying down by the wall on the floor, he rushed towards E.J. "Jesus Jack u must be exhusted..." Jeff looks at Jack who is sound asleep- "....." He looks at Jacks face and blushed lightly,

He brushed his brown hair out of his softish gray skin...Jeff hesitated but kissed Jack on his forehead- "Jack..."He giggled a bit while tearing up a little, "You fu8kig dumba$$...Don't you fucking leave like that...and idgaf how sorry u feel or whatever, just don't leave all the sudden like that" Jeff wiped his tears away,Jeff sat on Jacks lap and hugged him,

"Hey Jeffffff~" Jeff jumped a bit then turned around,
"BEN WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE?h-how long have u been standing there?!"he whispered loudly,

"hehe hey gay boy-" Jeff turned to the other side of the room and sees his brother leaning on the wall smirking at him as he plays his knife, "u-ugh shut ur dam mouth liu!" Jeff hissed at his brother, "you were smOootching huh?" Liu chuckled , Jeff blushed "N-no we were not!!yOU CAN clearly see he's asleep!",

"rightttt- asleep huh?" Jeff turned back around and looked and Jack who was pretending to be asleep, Jack smirked at Jeff, "w-what??Y-you!" Jeffs pale face turned dark red- Jeff covers his face with one hand and starts punching Jack's chest softly with the other- "You fu8king s-shit!",

Jack chuckled- "heh..." While Ben and Liu covering theyre mouths trying not to laugh-

Jack stands back up and carries Jeff bride style up with him, "P-PUT ME DOWN U CANNIBAL!!!"
Jeff still having his gay panic- Jack puts Jeff down "fine-",

The four then walks out of the store and starts to walk back- "hey jeff..." , Jeff looks at Jack "h-hm?", "About....what uh im s-", "It's fine, it's fine-" Jeff answered cutting Jacks sentence- Jack looks Jeff then looks away- "Anyway!Ben- I thought you guys said U weren't gonna come with me-"
Jeff looks back at His brother and the elf,

"Welllll,we kinda didn't wanna help you out, but Liu and i figure, you would forget anyway-" Ben smirked at Liu as he chuckled- "Forget about what???" Jeff looks at both of them with a confused face,
Liu sighs and rolled his eyes as he takes a box filled with different colored ribbons, Jeff took a few seconds to realised "OH SH8T,i totally forgot about that-",

"Your welcome-" Liu rolled his eyes, "Let's just get back and give it to her" Ben inturpted them,

The Horror and Pleasure of Our Love (Jeff The Killer x Eyeless Jack fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now