Chapter 3 (E.J.'s Story)

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(In Eyeless Jack's Bedroom)
"Do you fu3king want it or Nah!?, cause I can just give it to Seed!!" Jeff said loudly trying not to blush,

JACK*chuckles*: "of course I want it, I was just asking, don't need to shout, you sound like a big baby heh-"

Jeff threw the bag hard at Jack "WHAT THE FU3K DID YOU JUST CALL ME!??"

Jack ignoring Jeff took out one of the kidneys from the bag and licked abit, blood was still dripping down the floor-
"This was from a child isn't it?" jack said

Jeff calmed down a bit "yea it was...and???"

Jack took out the other kidney and observed the cuts from it-
"You killed him, didn't you? you took out both the boys kidneys..both??"

"Yea..and what the hell is wrong with that?"Jeff replied sounding a bit annoyed,

Jack had a flashback from several years ago when he once killed both parents of an innocent young child, He was craving for kidneys and couldn't help it, After devouring every single organ inside the couple he heard crying upstairs, he walked up finding a baby girl in a crib- Jack felt guilt washing over his body and looked at the still warm heavy blood on his hands, he walked towards the crib, Jack gently touched the crying baby's arm with his claw-like fingers, he felt the bruises around the child's shoulder, he looked at the baby girl and didn't feel guilty anymore, the child's parents were abusive, The baby looked like it hasn't been fed for 2 days straight- "hm-her parents deserved that..."Not knowing what to do, Jack picked the baby up and hummed softly, the baby eventually fell asleep, Jack felt responsible for finding the kid better parents, he did find a couple who took care of orphans in all age and left her in there...He never killed any innocent unless they really deserved it- He started reading medical books and re-learning all the useful things for him- "humans can survive with one kidney uh..."He spoke to himself while practicing his stitching on himself "that should do it"...
-End of flashback-

"Well you didn't have to kill him!"Jack whispered loudly.

Jeff stood up and shouted back at Jack
"WHATEVER! I gave you something that took fu3king time! And usually, I don't do people fu3king favors! YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL!" Jeff stormed out the room, aggressively shutting the door behind him.

Jack placed the kidneys down in one of his 5 freezers, he sighs"I messed up the conversation again didn't I?"He said while Seed entered his room about to question what happened-
"This is why I don't really join people in conversations.." Jack sighs and lays down oh the bed-

The Horror and Pleasure of Our Love (Jeff The Killer x Eyeless Jack fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now