Chapter 2(The SlenderMansion)

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(7:56 am in the Slender woods)
Jeff went into the mansion while Smile Dog stayed out to guard and look out for unwanted visitors.
"ayyy J-Jeffery,my m-man! w-where have y-you b-been?!W-why are yo-you covered in bl-blood again?? ew j-jeff you kinda s-smell-..." said a male with a brown hoodie and bandages in the tip of his fingers while ticking every 10 seconds as he yawns.

JEFF *walks past the ticking boy*: "Yea..hi Toby-"

Ticci Toby *frowns and looks at masky who is smoking his forth cigar already sitting on the couch reading his morning magazine*: "Maskyyyyyy, why does he always ignore meeeeeeeeeeeee???"

MASKY *rolls his eyes and coughs*: "Oh I have no idea at all-" *continues to smoke*

Ticci Toby *crosses his arms*: "Hmph- it probably causes it's this early in the morning.."

MASKY *sighs*:" yea sure-"

(upstairs where the rooms are in)
Jeff went to his room and dumped his bloody stained hoodie on the floor and washed away all the smell of organs in his body and puts on a clean shirt, he sniffs his hands just in case the smell was still there, Jeff blushed as he remembers the last time where he didn't wash out the strong smell and walked to dinner, were it triggered E.J., he pinned Jeff on the wall and started to lick Jeffs face like a dog.
"Hey Jeff! What are you up to?" Ben DROWNED said, poking his elf head in jeffs door, which was slightly open-
Jeff jumped a bit-"Ben WHAT THE FU3K??"

BEN DROWNED *Laughs*: "oml dude, you should have seen your face! Anyway... I was wondering if you and I could go play this new game I just got-"

JEFF *rolls his eyes*:" you mean stole?..well not now Ben, I'm kinda busy

BEN DROWNED: "busy?? oh well, fine, I'll just go ahead and ask Toby or something -I'll be in the living room when ur done, see you man!"*walks away*

Jeff sighs, he picks up the kidneys he got still warm and puts them in a bag with a couple of ice bags, he grabs the bag and walks out his room,
He arrives Jacks's room and knocks on it forgetting about Jack's amazing sense of awareness and smell after being blind, he is basically half-demon after all...," hey black eyes- it's j-"
"yea ik- what do you want jeff?"
E.J. opens his door and pokes his head out and looks down at jeff.

JEFF *Looks at Jack, noticing he isn't wearing his shirt and looks away blushing a Lil*: "uh...i..i got you like can I come in and like show u or something..umm uh...GODDAMMIT JACK PUT ON A DAM SHIRT!!-"

EYELESS JACK *opens the door to let Jeff in*: "ok come in geez- I'll put on a shirt-"
jeff sighs in relief as he walks in the room and closes the door behind him,
while Jack puts a shirt on and sits on his bed,
"now what is it that you wanna show me?"E.J. asks

JEFF *getting distracted by E.J.'s piles of books that are all about a medic, still wondering how in the world does he read all of those without eyes*: "OH yea-umm- this!"*Jeff shows Jack the bag of kidneys* "h-here-"

EYELESS JACK *looks at the bag and immediately smells the kidneys*: "where did you get these?..they're very new and..y...oung"

JEFF *smiles* (even thou he's like...always smiling cause- bruh): "heh- I just went for a morning stroll and felt like killing something, so I thought maybe why not get you something you might like-"
Jack looked a jeff confused, "uh...what?what's wrong?is there something on my face?"
", its just..ur never this nice to anyone- you're kinda creeping me out jeff-"E.J. replied.

The Horror and Pleasure of Our Love (Jeff The Killer x Eyeless Jack fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now