Chapter 9 (The dinning table)

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(2:49 am Outside the Slendermansion)
The rest of the walk back to the mansion was silent,Ben was playing in his gameboy, Liu just humming some kind of song, Jeff staring at Jack and looking away time to time and Jack just reading his new CPR medic book,

After several more minutes they arrived the front of the Mansion,
"Jack!!!hehe Where have you beeeen?I wanted to play dress up with you!!" Sally that was waiting on the swing outside the mansion rushed and jumped to hug E.J.,

Jack hugged Sally back and picked her up "Big bro was just going to the medic store to get something....."
Jack smiled at the little girl,

Sally giggled then pointed at Masky and hoodie through the mansion window, Jeff looked too then covered his mouth and laughed hard, Masky was wearing a pink fairy dress with make up and really pink lipstick, Toby was wearing a princess dress with a fake tiara on his head, Masky looked at the window and saw Jeff then pointed the middle finger at him,

Luckily Jack covered Sallys innocent eyes before she could see anything,

"BRO YOU LOOK,PFFT BEAUTIFUL!" Jeff laughed even harder, Ben finally looking up from his game saw Toby in his princess dress and chuckled too,

Toby rolled his eyes at him and blushed, "You guys are Next!" Sally smiled at Jack,Jeff,Ben and Liu, "uh- sorry darling but i'm busy tonight" Liu walked over to Sally and patted her head lightly "maybe next time-", "aww..." Sally looks at Liu frowning a bit

"fine...i still have daddy to dress up anyway" Sally smiles again "PFFFT oh god THAT I NEED to see..." Ben whispered to himself- "Hey Sally" Liu grabbed the ribbion box from his pocket and handed it to the girl, Sallys face lighten up even more,

She took the box "Yayyyyy!Thank chu Liu!!" Sally smiled at Liu as he waved goodbye and walked the other way,

"He probably has business with Jane again huh?" Ben turned his head to Jeff, "ugh- most likely",
Sally looked at the box and counted how many ribbions there is happily,

"Sally lets go back inside first..."Jack puts the little girl down, "Alright!!" Sally picks up Mr D. and skipped back inside the Mansion,

(3:01 am Back in the Slendermansion)
I sat down on the couch reading my new book and re-calling on what Jeff has said to me back in the Medic store, I looked over him playing his game with Ben,

"BEN,JEFF,JACK!" The three looked over to Their boss who was walking down the stairs heading towards the dinning room, "Yes boss?"Jeff replied- "The three of you have not eaten anything for the past hours, and as you can see the time... it's almost hunting hour-" Slender then said,

Ben looked at the clock, it was 3:20 am, "oh yea- i don't needa go at three thirty am i do my sh8t anytime,but ay- i kinda wanna eat something so sure thanks boss." Ben shrugged and got up to walk to the dinning room,
"ight-me too" Jeff followed,

I stood up and placed my book on the couch then walked over to the dinning room, Not surprisingly i see Ben eating the same sh8t again...Tacos, i sigh...

i did told him eating tacos everyday is really unhealthy for him...but whatever, he's a ghost anyway-

I turned to see Jeff on Ben's Gameboy playing super mario or something...
video games all day huh... its bad for your eyes,

He was eating his leftover sushi from this morning...this morning, i re-called what happened earlier today again and shook my head trying to snap out of it,

"Jack" Slenderman who was behind him spoke,

i turned around "y-yes boss?",

Slenderman handed me a plate of fresh organs, the heart,the intestines, the stomach, the bladder,liver, both lungs...and the kidneys, Its all there...minus the brain...
but it's all there, "You must be up now-" The boss placed the plate on the dinning table,

"uh i-...Thanks boss.." I sat down and smelled the strong flavor of the organs right in front of me and took a bite,He was right i was hungry as hell...
I see the boss handing Jack a plate of organs, I looked at Jack, by just looking at his face, he was hungry alright, Jack sat on the chair in the dinning table just across me,

I stared at him as he devour the plate of organs like a wolf that hasn't eaten for days... It's not that i'm disgusted by the food he eats,

I wouldn't blame him, Human tastes...delicious,

Yea i tried organs before, i'm not so picky with the food i eat unlike Toby ,
It's just the hunger in Jack's eyes that terrified me a bit......Just this morning...H-He looked like that when...

"HEY JEFF! I BEAT YOU IN LEVEL 24!!!HA" Ben smirked and pointed at his game proudly,

"GODDAMMIT!WELL I WASN'T EVEN TRYING YOU SHORT ELF!" i shouted back at Ben whos humming happily,

"It looks like, today isn't your turn afterall, oh well- you still have to eat up," Slender checked the time and walked out of the huge dinning room, "And please boys...behave yourself",

"Alright boss alrightttt" Ben still focusing in his Game and finishing up his Taco-
I just finsished dinner so i picked my plate up, placed it in the sink and headed up to my room,"i need a shower" I told myself, I walked up the stairs and head straight to my room,
closed the door and took off the bloody hoodie i wore, dumped it in th corner and opened the shower,

I washed up all the blood on my hands and mouth, it took a while but it washed off eventually,

I got outta the shower and put on a new black undershirt, i sat on my bed and randomly thought of Jeff...which...turned me on s...omehow
Can chu all comment down if u want that??=//w//="
Cause i will take my time to do one chapter of that, and i promise it'll be very very....moisty XD ;^;

moisty XD ;^;

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