Chapter 13 (Mine)

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( 3:20 am In The Slendermansion)

I walked up to my room followed by Toby and Ben, "You guys ok?" I asked the two as they walked in my room..."Y-yea i-im just c-c-colddd-d" Ben hold said shivering,

"h-hehehe y-you kin-d-da so-sound like m-me now-w Ben" Toby giggled,I put Jeff down non my bed and closed the door behind us, I took a clean towel and handed it over to The dripping wet Elf, "here", Ben takes the towel and thanks me, Toby helped Ben dry up,

I walked over Jeff and hugged him from behind, Jeff looked up,"J-jack what are you doing?Ben and Toby are hereee", "Stop winning or i'll make you shut up", Toby and Ben looked over us and blushed looking away, "I want people to know your mine.."I whispered in to Jeffs ear and licked his neck...

"H-hey Jack we're gonna leave now" Ben took Toby's hand and opened the door, "Y-y-yea thanks Jack"Toby left the room with Ben and shut the door,

"Jack what is it with you???" Jeff stood up and faced me with a madish face, I stared up at him and said nothing-

I looked at Jack with pissed off expression, "You could have just ask them to leave first!" Jack still remains silent, Then took his hoodie off, "...fine..come here" I looked at Jack disbeliefed, "I don't wanna smash!" I hissed at Jack,

Jack looks at me for a moment..."Then what do you want?", That question took a while for me to progress... Without saying anything i lyed down on Jack's chest,

Jack gripped on my fake tail and pulled it out slowly, I gasps,"How long did u have this in?"
Jack puts the tail down and sits me back up, "A-a while i guess",i respond , "Take it off" Jack looks at the School girl coustume im wearing, "Jackkk i said i don't wanna sm-", "I know..." Jack cuts me off, I looked at him confused as i take of the school girl uniform,

Jack took the Black hoodie he took of and handed over to me, "Wear this instead...Just keep the long socks...i kinda like it on you" Jack looked at me and smirked,

i did as he said and stood up and slipped his hoodie on, "Thanks..", Jack strenched his arms out "Now give me hug..." Jack reached out and pulled me back in the bed, I looked at him, "Are you gonna try eat me again?" Jack sticks his tounges out,"i dunno..." He touches one of them with his finger, "I'll try my best for you",

I looked at Jack with a concerned face, Jack pats my head then hands me a....muzzle? Jack faces up to me, "Put this on me then i'll stop biting," I looked at Jack like he was brainless or something, "Jack you can break bars, cut through skin and your telling me....These dog muzzles can stop you?How can i even put it on you in time???"

Jack chuckled, He held the muzzle in front of me, "oh no this isn't for when im hungry", Jack smirked and touches one of the bite marks he left last night, "it's for your on sake", I blushed "f-fu3k you", "Gladly" Jack chuckles, I blushed even harder, god why does he have to make everything sound kinky,

"I also have real handcuffs...wanna know what i can do with them?", I gasps and pushed Jack away, "n-not hand cuffs!", Jack chuckled, "I'll make sure the next time u see handcuffs you'll be thinking of something else other than that flashback you have every now and then", I didn't know if Jack was trying to make me feel better...but it...kinda did,

I giggled as he Tickles me around my waist, "J-Jack s-s-stop pffft- I will s-stab you if you don't let g-go!"  Jack chuckles "I'll stop if you tell me who you belong to-" I giggled as he did not stop attacking me with tickles, "okok!!haha- I belong my Demon boyfriend" I laughed,

Jack smiles "Which Demon?", "T- ummm the creature!!The eyeless Jack pffft-"i respones

Jack laughed "You didn't have to pull out stage names", Jacks face then looked serious, "What is it?" I asked, "If ever i get hungry...or try to eat you, Just- call the boss, he knows what to do, but other than that, Just treat me like a dog-" He respones, I tilt my head..."D-dog?",
He explained, "I'm a demon right?You never asked me what kind-, well...Its almost like smile dog, The demon inside me is a....vicious animal, Just throw a meat on the ground when i lose it again"

I lied down on top of Jack..."I love you Jack.."

Jack kisses my forehead....

"I love you too dumbass"

"I love you too dumbass"

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The Horror and Pleasure of Our Love (Jeff The Killer x Eyeless Jack fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now