Chapter 4

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As I opened my eyes I saw a beautiful garden/forest

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As I opened my eyes I saw a beautiful garden/forest. It was messy but very colorful and it looked like this mess was actually planned out. Flowers and trees grew everywhere in a way that seemed like a beautiful painting sprawled on the ground filled with bright colors and light that danced together. In between the flowery carpet, there were several small dirt and stone paths spread across the landscape. The further my eyes looked the darker it got. The other side was filled by a dark tall forest. I was looking around like a child in a toy store amazed by every little thing. I saw in the corner of my eye Clayton staring at me intensely, I turned my head feeling a little uncomfortable.

 -What is this place?

-My private garden.

-How did you find this place?

-Believe it or not but the old owner of the villa told me about this place. When we were alone he told me that if I want to get away from things I could come to this place when things get a little suffocating in the house.


-It's amazing really that that old man could see problems in my family just by meeting us a few times...


I was so confused by all this that I just kept asking but I got no answer. He ignored my questions but offered to show me around this garden more I agreed. He was showing me flowers while walking around close to me on the tight paths.

-I'd like to show you one more thing

-What is it?

He pulled me into a stone corridor that opened into a room full of showers like those in swimming pools changing rooms but the floor was almost nonexistent on one side at this point and instead of tiles, there were rose bushes. 

-They are beautiful...

-I'm happy you like them now could you give me that bouquet.


I gave him the flowers and he started replacing some of them with "prettier ones'' as he said. He then wrapped them with black paper and gave it back to me.

-I'm sorry that I'm dragging you around everywhere(Y/N).

-It's fine I don't mind.


I stood up from my crouched position and walked a few steps behind him with my head looking at the ground. I didn't even realize when we walked into a cemetery.

-What are we doing here?

Clay again ignored my question but then stopped in front of one of the graves.

-Graves are so dark and full of the smell of death. I think they are great, don't you? I love graves. They are so cold and quiet and yet so similar to terror. I love putting lanterns on graves it makes everything so beautiful suddenly-he than paused-my mother lies here.

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