Chapter 12

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I walked up to the surface and started walking to the door to the maze in complete silence. I looked at the sky and at all the stars around me, I could feel myself getting lost in the shining little things. I felt myself getting...sad. Today my little flower tried to run away from me even though all I did was care for her and love her. I touched my lips as I remembered how soft they felt on mine, that was the highlight of today but she HAD to ruin it with that weird stunt of hers. I almost fell as I walked onto something on the ground I looked down, it was the leg of the police officer that was alive just a few hours ago. My face turned into one of disgust. I pulled one of the men out of the bushes that I hid them in before. I felt pure rage wash over me as I saw his face. I took out the gun that I still had on me and pointed it at him. I may have shot ten bullets, twenty or even a hundred I don't know even know, the only proof I had on doing it were the holes on the man's body. I dropped the gun and wiped my face with the palms of my hands. I hid the man in the bushes again and left the garden. As I walked into my room I saw food left on the small dining table in my room with a little note that just said "DINNER" in some fancy font. As I sat down my mind wandered. Obviously, I thought about (Y/N). Why did she act like this?... Mabey she was scared? Was it all moving to fast to her? Yes, that's probably why. We weren't even on a real date yet. Yes, exactly we should go on a date, many dates! This whole week will be just for me and her. I fell in love with her the moment she stepped foot in that classroom so why wouldn't she after we go on cute romantic dates. I smiled to myself and started eating the food while smiling slightly.

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up in pain, I didn't sleep well last night. I was in pain most of the night, it felt like my limbs were being torn away from my body and having your face facing the pillow almost suffocating you also wasn't nice. I laid in that bed now waiting for Clayton to come. So I guess he got what he wanted. All I want is for him to come back. I screamed into the pillow under my head and turned my head back to the mirror on the closet door. I wasn't happy with what I saw. My face was lighter than ever, not pale but anyone would know that I haven't been getting much sun. The only different color that I had on my skin were the faint dark circles under my eyes and my pink cheeks that became that color after crying for hours last night and of course how could I forget all the red spots on my chest and neck. As I was looking at this pitiful excuse for a human called me I heard humming and quick energetic steps. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep, I even started snoring lightly to make it more realistic. The door opened and I could hear Clayton coming to the side of my bed I then heard metal shaking and my arm was gently put next to me on the bed than my second arm and then my legs. I was lightly turned over so I was laying on my back. What was he doing? Was he trying to do the same thing he did yesterday but with me asleep? I bit the inside of my cheek and tried to remain still but I was suddenly picked up, I opened my eyes and looked above me at the man who was carrying me. Clayton smiled at me warmly which surprised me, wasn't he supposed to be extremely mad? I thought he would come here and beat me with one of those tools there on the table or at least splash a bucket of cold water over me.

-Honey, you can't fool me I know the difference between you being awake and asleep although I do admire you for trying and you even added that little snore for it to be realistic but I know that you don't snore so that was what kind of gave you away.

-Oh...where are you taking me?

-To the bathroom of course you need to be clean for today because it's a special day!


-I will tell you later why first I need to get you cleaned.

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