Chapter 5

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I started hearing sounds of birds and the and...the wind? The wind now sounded like thuds they were deep and dark. I felt a mattress under me and a blanket on top of me. I kept my eyes closed, comfortable, and not wanting to wake up. Then the memories of before hit me like a splash of cold water. I shot up immediately and looked around. I was in a room with no windows the walls were all from smoothed out, grey stone. I was laying on a big bed. On my right side, I could see a bedside table, a wardrobe that was built into the wall and staircase. On the left side, there was a bedside table and gardening tools neatly placed on a wooden table and hung on a tool board organizer. There were weed scrapers, a shovel, a rake, a watering can, etc. The whole room was cold so I covered myself with the thick covers. I looked around the room one more time and squizzed my hands. I took a deep breath and started moving towards the edge of the bed. I put one of my feet on the hard floor it was freezing. I immediately hid my leg back in the covers. It was terrible but what was I supposed to do. This time I put both of my feet on the floor and after standing for a moment on the floor in the thick, white covers I was okay. I started walking slowly towards the staircase but then behind me, I heard something moving in the sheets quietly but before I could look back I heard a loud sound. I sounded like tons of metal hit the floor. I looked back to see a long metal chain on the floor. I looked down to see where it lead and it lead to me. I stared at it in disbelief before hearing a door open. I turned my head and stayed froze in place. I heard a person almost running off the stairs.

-Princess, you're awake! I felt two hands wrap around my body holding me tight.

-Clayton where am I...?

-In my garden silly. In my hideout that I made just for us two.

 -BUT WHY?!-I screamed

-This is too early to answer this question.


I screamed at him my voice full of fear and anger. I never talked like that hell I never shouted like that. It was a scream full of pain, confusion, and anger. As I screamed at him my fear was partially replaced with the feeling of anger. I wanted to know what was happening right now and I didn't care that he was the one that ultimately had power over me I was NOT about to sit here obeying him. I was not such a person and I refused to become such.

-Shhhh. Don't shout so loudly you may hurt your voice.

-Clay please let me go...- I felt my eyes fill with tears. I didn't want to cry but it just kinda happened

-What? Why are you crying, my princess? Don't cry. Hmmm. Oh, I have the perfect thing to cheer you up

He ran up the stairs leaving me all alone. Thoughts were speeding threw my mind. Why was I here? When will I get out... will I get out? And who is this person in front of me? This wasn't the person that I knew before he was funny and talkative and so pleasant. I didn't understand at all what was happening. Well, I knew what was happening but I just couldn't wrap my head around it. All of this was so unreal to me. I then heard footsteps and looked at the door. I saw Clayton holding something behind him he than stooped right in front of me and presented me the thing that he was holding behind him.


To my eyes was revealed a small vase with a single red rose in full bloom. I stared at it a little confused. I look at the boy then back at the rose then again at the boy and the rose.

-Its beautiful isn't it? In the language of flowers, it means I love you.

 He walked to the table on the right side of the bed and put it carefully on the piece of furniture. He then smiled and said

-When you were sleeping I spent hours looking for the perfect flower for you. I wanted something that can match your beauty which of course nothing can but this rose was the closest.

-Clayton Ripperton what do you think you are doing? What is all of this? You have no right to keep me here! And why are you acting like all of this is normal like nothing is happening! I don't know why you are doing all of this but just...stop. Let me go! 

After saying the last word I looked up at him because I was looking at my legs before. He wasn't looking at me. He was standing in the same position with the tips of his fingers touching the vase. It was as if in that spot in particular time had stopped. I could see a little bit of the side of his face and he looked like he was staring threw the flower. I don't know why but when I saw him like this and thought of the time stopping at that moment I felt as if I was safe to run to the door. I hurriedly started walking to the door but when I was maybe in the middle of the stairs felt that I couldn't move my leg to the next step. I looked back at the chain and saw it was tense and that it was touching the corner of the corridor of stairs. That was weird. When I saw the chain before it was at least long enough to let me walk to the top of the staircase. I walked back down to see if it maybe got stuck but when I was at the last stair I felt a strong tug that made me fall off my feet and onto the cold stone floor. I looked to where the chain was and saw Clay holding it tightly in his palm. I stared at him silently with eyes wide from fear.

-Do-do you really wanna know why? Hahaha than let me tell you!

He pulled the chain harshly. I ended up next to his feet looking up at him. He was smirking but his eyes were cold and that terrified me.

-When I saw you the first time in the corridor you already caught my eye a little but I saw my true feelings when on biology you were so terrified. You were clinging on to me like I was your only hope and your attention was all. On. Me. But of course, that is not the only thing. When I saw such a beautiful, kind, and loving flower like yourself being covered by the weeds of the world you call your friends I just could not sit there and watch as those fake people took and took from you and hurt you. THAT'S why I needed to save you! From those fake people if I wouldn't have stepped in they could have hurt you again!

-B-but now you are the one who is hurting m-

-And that is where you are wrong my little flower I AM the one who saved you and who is gonna keep you safe. 

He crouched down and I backed up but my back hit the side of the bed.

-See we were meant to be together now come here and kiss your savior. 

I put my hands on his chest trying to push him away but he caught them and pushed my down while holding my hands above my head and again leaned in. I panicked and kicked him in the stomach. He pulled away clutching his stomach. I immediately jump up and ran for the staircase but fell immediately because of the chain around my ankle.

-Oh, you really know how to get me excited(Y/N)!

I felt Clayton pull me back. I was pushed on the mattress with him landing on top of me. His head was in the nape of my neck and I felt him inhaling the scent of my skin while touching it lightly.

-I'm so happy that you still using the perfume I got you on your birthday... I remember that it was 14:43 and this was the last gift you opened it was rapped in (F/C) wrapping paper with a bow on the top. When you pulled out the perfume you were so happy. This was exactly the scent you wanted but your parents told you it was too expensive when you asked THEM to get it for you. You asked them about it at dinner, at the movies and every time they came into your room they never got you the perfume but I did. Memories. -he sighed. Nostalgia in his voice

How did he know all this? I never told anybody about the perfume except my parents and he knew WHEN and WHERE I was asking them. I suddenly felt week and felt my eyes closing. I tried to fight it but to no avail. I felt like I was falling and I let the darkness envelop me.

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