Chapter 9

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(Y/N)'s POV

I am sooooooo bored which I guess I feel every day but today it's really intense. It is unbearable. I stood up from my bed and started walking around the room looking into every corner of the room looking under the bed, looked up at the ceiling and trailed every crevice on its dark grey surface, hid in the closet, looked at the door that now was out of my reach (because Clayton shortened the chains). I flopped on my back on the cold stone floor. I whipped my head back and looked at the room upside-down and then it landed on the tool board organizer and the table. I turned onto my stomach and stood up. I walked to the table and looked at all the gardening tools, my gaze lingered on the small shovel and I lightly took it into my hand slowly twisting it in my hand. I looked at the sharp end and looked back at the chain around my ankle. Could this...maybe... work? I sat back on my bed and held down the chain with one of my hands. I lifted the tool in my hand and struck the chain but all I felt was the vibration going through the hand that was holding the chain down. I put the tool next to me and put the chain closer to my face to see if anything happened. I saw a bit of metal chipped away. My face lit up with excitement. Who thought that such a tool could chip away metal from this chain...Clayton probably didn't. I took the tool back into my hand and started hitting the chain again with newfound hope.

Clayton's POV

School finally ended and I could go back to my flower. I practically ran out of the classroom and burst threw the doors of the school. I stood next to the parking lot on the pavement looking intensely at the cars entering the school parking lot. I finally saw the car driving into the parking lot but on the other side of the parking lot, I saw a police car driving into the parking lot. My eyes became wide from the worry but no I can't panic it would seem unnatural. I kept my eyes fixated on the car but felt sweat dripping down my back it felt like forever till the car pulled up in front of me. I grabbed the handle of the car and looked to my right to see the pointing in my direction while looking at some kind of papers that looked somehow familiar but I quickly snapped out of my thoughts, got into the car, and quickly shut the door with a loud thud.

-Um, Sir are you alright?

I looked at the driver in the front seat like I was surprised that he was even here.

-Yes. Now drive!

The man quickly spun the steering wheel and drove out of the school grounds and towards my neighborhood. I felt myself relax the moment the school was out of sight. I looked at my hands and only now realized that I was squeezing my hands so tightly that my knuckles turned white. I breathed in and out to relax and fully rested my head on the seat as I looked out of the window looking at the surroundings outside.

-Mr. Kim, why was there a police car in front of my school?

- Sir, I do not know but if I had to guess because of the disappearance of the girl from your class

- And how do you know that?

-Your school's principal informed the parents of the last parent meeting.

- Does my father know?

-As you know your father doesn't attend such meetings Miss. Kellett does and I have sent him the files about what was talked about in the meeting and the files that were given out to all the parents but...I do not know if he has read threw it...yet.


How could I be surprised? My father doesn't even care about my education but does it really matter. All I need him to do is keep the police away from me, nothing that a few bribes can't do. God I'm tired and now also stressed out this day isn't going well but at least the thought of the next weekend makes me smile. I slowly started dosing off to sleep and felt my head hit the car window and I breathed out again making me immediately fall asleep.

(Y/N)'s POV

As I was little by little chipping away the metal I found out that hope can't fuel you for a long time. After just an hour I was exhausted, my hands were all red and sweaty. I could also feel my eyelids starting to feel heavy, I lifted myself from the bed and went back to the table with all the tools on it. I put the tool with precision on the table in the same position it was before. If Clayton would know that I had touched one of these tools he would quite quickly put the pieces together and... who knows what he would do. I felt my insides twisting just by the thought of him finding out. As I walked back to the bed I looked at the time on the little clock that sat on the nightstand next to my bed. It turned out I was completely wrong instead of an hour it was time for Clayton to be back. He should be walking threw the hidden door in the labyrinth with her food in one hand, I should be hearing footsteps outside the door, he should be sitting on the bed with her acting like he just didn't kidnap someone and I should be looking down at the floor ignoring him but he wasn't. It was almost weird, he was always on time, and if not on time he would be early. Was my inner clock completely off ? or mabey the clock sitting on the nightstand was not telling the right time? Not knowing made me crazy but I guess sitting in a room with no windows and not seeing anyone (except Clayton of course) would make anybody a bit mad. I wasn't worrying much about Clayton though I was worrying more about when I would get the next meal. Clayton was the one controlling all the food that entered my mouth, all the clothes that I wore, and even who would I see. But the thought of him forgetting that she was there, leaving her to starve to death, for her body to decompose and rot away until she was nothing but bones was frightening. I knew that probably wouldn't happen, who would forget that they have a human locked up on their property but what if? The "ifs'' started piling up in my head, I felt my insides tighten even more so I just covered myself with the sheets and closed my eyes while my thoughts were drowned by my exhaustion.

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