Chapter 8

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(Y/N)'s POV

I opened my eyes slowly I started hearing faint sounds of plates and utensils. I smelled eggs, spinach, garlic, and *inhale*...broccoli? I opened my eyes fully and saw a plate shoved in my face.

-Morning my beautiful rose! How are you today? Look at what I made you today!

I looked at the boy in front of me. He was sitting on the right side of the bed with a plate full of food that smelled soo good. It was inches away from my nose. I looked up at him and smiled faintly. The moment I did that his eyes lit up.

-I haven't seen you smile in a long time. I'm happy that I can see your smile again I missed, here eat up.

I felt myself shudder. I hated how he said that. It will be hard not to just scream and shout at him but I know that in the end, it will be worth that self-restraint.

-What is this?- I asked taking the plate into my lap as I sat up in the bed.

-Green Shakshuka

- Sorry, what?

-Eggs poached in a sauce with spices to say it simply. Oh no, sorry but now I need to go to school. Have a nice day.

I sat there for a moment while he walked away thinking. Should I do something? I don't want to but I said that I will try to gain his trust...gosh, I hate this.



- Can I ummm.... have a hug?

He stopped dead in his tracks for a moment but then ran to me as fast as lightning and jumped on the bed hugging me tightly, locking me in a tight embrace. I gulped but hugged him back. I knew that HE was the one who kidnapped me still I did miss things like hugs and cuddling. After what felt like an hour (a very uncomfortable hour) I pulled away and looked at Clayton. He was smiling to himself.

-Ummm you will be late Clayton... and I don't want you to be late.

He then snapped out of the weird trance and nodded with the dumbest grin I have ever seen.

-Byeee (Y/N).

I only waved at him as he walked up the staircase. Was this good? He did smile so I guess but for how long will I have to act like this? He seemed happy with just a single hug so I don't think it will take too long. Might as well enjoy living for free with good food.

Clayton's POV

WE JUST HUGGED, WE JUST HUGGED, WE JUST HUGGED! Does she love me now? No, no, no think rationally. She has just accepted her life here. Yes, yes exactly. It's not love but this will make falling in love with me much easier... I could smell her skin and her hair because of how close we were. Should I bath her or at least shower? She lost her sweet scent. My thoughts were cut short when the driver stopped the car in the school's parking lot.

-Have a good day at school sir.


The door opened and I got out of the car but then saw the two irritating girls that came to my house yesterday. They were both sitting on one of the benches in front of the school. The one with the very long brown hair which was Melissa I presume was looking at the ground with one hand around the other girls' shoulder. Charlie was her name I think but you really wouldn't know that if you looked at her with her brown hair cut into a boy hairstyle and the male clothes she wore. I remember when I thought my little flower got a boyfriend but it was just her. I remember almost poisoning her. I walked up to them with a fake smile. I have never felt more annoyed in my life. I had to smile at these people who took my flower from me in the first place and now we're trying to do it again.

-Hello Charlie, are you holding up? It must be so hard on you two.

-Oh hi, Clay...

-The police still haven't found anything...

The long-haired girl said while tightening her grip on her friend's shirt

-Can you believe that?! It has been two weeks and...still nothing.

-I'm so sorry I know how much you...lik-liked her.

-We LOVED her Clay she was our best friend.

I hardly stopped the low growl that threatened to escape my mouth. She- she DARED to say that they "loved" my little sweet flower. Their "love" combined didn't even measure up to how much I loved her, she is my everything, she is my world my end and my beginning, she is the air I breathe and the water I drink. A day without her is a day not worth living. They don't deserve to live with her they cant appreciate the beauty of her voice, the passion in her every word, how her smile glows under the sunlight, how her chest rises and falls with her every breath, and her eyes that express her every thought. She is the epidemy of perfection and beauty...they will regret saying that.

-...I have an idea why don't you two come to my place next Saturday. There are a lot of fun things to do there and that will help you relax, you know get your mind off of things. What do you say?

- I'm free on Saturday and you Melissa?

-Yea me to sooo I guess we will see you on Saturday.

-Ok, have a good day.

I walked away from them smirking to myself. When they come they are going to pay for all that they have done and my little flower is going to thank me for rescuing her from those terrible people. She is mine. As I walked into the school I heard a lot of whispers. The whole school was filled with people whispering, no one even talked. The whole school was tense. We were a smaller school because we were a private academy so now probably everybody knew about (Y/N)'s disappearance but who would ever suspect me? The loner popular kid. I barely even meet with people but I still should be careful, one wrong move and I will dig my own grave and that CAN'T happen.

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