Chapter 13

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(Y/N)'s POV

After walking in the forest for 5 maybe 10 minutes I realized that we started going up a little hill and asked Clayton again where we were going but he just smiled at me. When we reached the top of the hill I looked around amazed, we were standing on top of a small hill that looked over a small clearing that was filled with flowers. How big was this so-called garden of his?

-It's beautiful, I chose this place thinking of you. I know how much you love such places, so relaxing, quiet, closed off from the world but we aren't here just for this I made some food sooo we are having a picnic.

He walked around the tree that was on top of the hill and sat down. He sat down on a blanket and patted the place opposite him. I sat down awkwardly and looked down at the dress that was sprawled across the blanket. I then looked up for a moment and saw a picnic basket between us, on the blanket there were already drinks and plates. This all seemed so cliché, a picnic in the middle of nature with nothing but chirping birds keeping us company.

-So what do you want waffles or pancakes?

-Oh sorry, ummm (your choice) are fine.

- Coming right up.

From a giant picnic basket he pulled out a lunch box filled with (your choice), he also pulled out toppings in bowls like bananas, strawberries, pineapples, berries, and whipped cream (obviously not in a bowl he is not dumb). I squealed in excitement but then realized what I did and looked at Clayton. He was holding in a laugh that made his face look hilarious and I couldn't help myself and started laughing, he then broke out in a burst of loud laughter, which made me laugh even more, which made him laugh even more and that's how we spend the next 5 minutes laughing like complete idiots high on just each other's stupidity. my muscles relaxed unconsciously.

-OwowwwoOOw, stop laughing (Y/N) or I swear my insides are going to rip apart.

-How can I when your face looks like...THAT. Bahahaha, Wait-wait okay, ufffffff. I'm fine, I'm fine.

This was all that we needed to become more relaxed and...friendly. The thought of being here against my will was much easier to hide in the back of my mind. We just talked, joked, laughed, and ate (a lot) all day until the moon and stars started shining in the sky.

-Well, I guess we will be going back now-he said as he stared up at the dark sky

I stood up and extended my hand toward him, he extended his slender hand toward mine but instead of standing up with me, he pulled me back down.

-Aren't we going?- I asked confused and a bit uneasy

-Nope, I still have something planned.

He pulled out two more things from the basket which at that made him look like a magician because of how many things he pulled out of that basket. He pulled out a white blanket and hung it on the branch of the tree tying it skillfully. He then pulled out a medium-sized projector and started fiddling with its placement.

-Oh, I know where this is going.- I said smiling slightly

I lay down on my stomach and put my palms on my cheeks. The movie started and it was Princess and the frog. I smiled remembering how much I loved this movie after that movie ended we watched Rapunzel and then Frozen and then that movie about that cooking rat. There's something beautiful and so innocent about such childhood classics yet in this situation it almost felt ironic. I didn't realize though that I was getting sleepier and sleepier with every passing minute of the movie may be what childhood longing does to you.

Clayton's POV

I heard a thump and only now came back into reality. I was mindlessly staring at (Y/N) this whole time but now she was laying on the blanket asleep. Her soft her was messy and was covering her cute face and I just couldn't help but kiss her on the head. It felt wrong just. A tiny bit wrong. I then stood up and switched off the projector which was my mistake because that was my only source of light in the middle of goddam nowhere. I picked up my sleeping beauty and started carrying her toward the greenhouse. I almost actually dropped her a few times but I am proud to tell you that it was fewer times that my si called mother accidentally dropped me. We finally arrived at the greenhouse and somehow I climbed down the ladder with my flower in my arms which was as hard as it sounds. I slowly opened the door to our room and put (Y/N) on the bed. I pulled her cute feet out of the shoes and the socks. I did consider taking off the dress but then decided not to because I knew that she would be pissed if I took it off so I decided on only unzipping the back which revealed the back of her bra. I pulled the soft covers over my flower and then started walking up the stairs. I then looked back at (Y/N)s sleeping figure and couldn't say no myself. I took off my shoes, socks blazer, and shirt, and laid down next to her. I looked at her and just laid like that a bit too excited to sleep but as I lay there I slowly felt my eyelids closing. I could smell her from this close and feel the warmth emitting from her body. Finally, I felt myself unwind under the sheets and still turned towards my flower I closed my eyes.

So the next few chapters will be a bit short like this one because I am going away for a few weeks to another city with a friend so I will most likely not have time to write any chapters. Again thanks for all the votes, r, reads and comments I cherish all of them.

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