Chapter 14

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I suddenly woke up from the intense heat I felt o my skin. I started moving around in the sheets, kicking them off than cuddling back under them but the heat didn't disappear. I groaned knowing that I wouldn't be able to sleep anymore. I rolled over to look at the mirror but instead of looking at my sleepy, probably smudge in makeup face I was greeted by two curious, blue eyes looking at me, scanning my every feature but they quickly turned into eyes full of surprise. Clayton rolled off the bed and fell on the hard stone floor and the sound made me jump. I crawled to the other side and looked down from the side of the bed. I looked at Clayton as he laid on his back on the floor rubbing his head, with his shirt unbuttoned showing off his gentle muscles, only wearing his boxers and I won't lie that I blushed a bit but wait why was he here?

-Clayton why were y-

He suddenly sprung up to his feet and started quickly walking towards the stairs while grabbing his loose clothes.

-Oh no it's late I-I'd better get going, see you soon, I'm gonna bring you some clothes soon!

He then quickly ran out almost tripping on his own feet. I sat still on the bed in a bit of a shock. I then just stood up and walked to the mirror. I was happily surprised that I was still in my clothes, with the dress loosely hanging from my shoulders but my makeup was a bit smudged like on the side of my lip and my cheeks. I just sat down on the floor and in front of the mirror looking at myself, it's not like I had a bathroom somewhere here so I just had to wait and hope that maybe I could at least get some wet wipes for all this. I started remembering yesterday. The bath, the beautiful scenery and the good time I had just talking...I haven't had that in a long time. People were right when they said that you'll only appreciate something after you lose it but it's weird to use it in this situation when I see him every day and talk to him but it is true. But Clayton isn't the only one I lost. My friends, family, freedom, how have I not been thinking about all of this. Maybe its because I was scared, cowering in a cold basement but now that I've felt that feeling of happiness again I think I can think clearly or is it? Hope? I dwelled on that thought a bit more but didn't get anywhere. I shook my head hoping that would help keep my head clear for even a bit longer bc in this situation I couldn't let myself just go...even though I wanted badly. I heard the door open and listened to Clayton's quick footsteps. He looked at me then looked down quickly and threw some clothes on the bed.

-I hope you like them

-Thanks Clayton- I said

I looked at him expecting some sort of reply. He just looked at me again but before I could say anything more he was already at the top of the staircase.

-I'll come to get you- he said before closing the door gently.

"No, you don't have to I'll just let myself out " I though. I rolled my eyes at my dumb comment and instead looked at my face in the mirror, still smudged in makeup, I smirked at myself. I took my clothes off and looked at the clothes on the bed, studying the fabric and edges, I was quite surprised to see a white sweater with two brown buttons and some high-waisted jeans apron? I put on the jeans and buttoned up the sweater. The clothes were comfortable and the clothes looked nice with one of my shoulders exposed showing the fancy white bra underneath "Perv" I thought to myself as I lightly pulled on the bra strap. I folded the apron and put it over my forearm. I walked up the staircase but before I could knock on the door it opened revealing a now less flustered Clayton.

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