Chapter 10

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This chapter contains murder and violence. If you are sensitive to this kind of content do not read this chapter please.

Clayton's POV

I felt a bump that woke me up. I kept my eyes closed for a few more minutes but then opened them and turned my gaze toward the window. I could see the familiar houses of my neighbors. I straightened my posture and grabbed the school bag that was sitting on the seat next to me till now. I looked at the gate now slowly opening and unlocking for the car to drive in. When the vehicle stopped I opened the car door not waiting for the driver to open it( to everyone's surprise). I had a stressful day and the only thing that could make it better was seeing my pretty little flower. I heard the butler running behind me as I sped walked to the door. He lifted the card stuck in his pocket to the weird machine that was now installed next to the door.

-The new safety system has been installed Sir now you will need a card to open the front door.

He grabbed the door handle and opened the door for me.

-Oh and also your father would like to have dinner with you today in an hour, he asked you to look presentable so we brought the hairstylist, hairdresser and tailor please go to the styling room.

-...Is there a reason why he wants to have dinner with me?

- I- I do not please follow me.

-There is no reason to go so why should I?


The butler had pleading eyes that made me feel almost bad for him so I reluctantly agreed. I followed him to the styling room which was essentially like a hairdresser, makeup room, nail salon, changing room hybrid I do not know how else to describe it. It's just a giant room filled with chairs, mirrors, and magazines and things like that. I sat down in the chair and waited for all the shenanigans to begin.

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up to nothing but silence again. I've been waking up to nothing but silence for the past hour or so. I'm not going to lie I started panicking quite a bit. I was hungry, paranoid. Why wasn't he here yet? I started pacing around the room again but now with my head against the walls listening for a sound, any sound to just prove that I was still here, I was still alive. I could hear my heartbeat, my breath, my quick anxious steps but nothing besides that. I heard that if people are in a quiet room where they can only hear their heartbeat they could go crazy but I hope I just heard it wrong or at least I hope I'm not going crazy.

Clayton's POV

I stepped in front of a giant mirror that stretched from the ceiling to the floor and looked at my reflection. My hair was styled into windswept wavy bangs. The window panes pattern of the suit featured tall rectangles that made me look even taller. I spun around and looked at myself from all angles. I unbuttoned my suit, then turned around and left the room. I heard the clicks of the butler's shoes on the luxury vinyl tiles.

-In which dining room is my father and I having dinner?

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