Chapter 6

702 21 10

Third person's POV

At first, the girls' disappearance wasn't really noticed. The girls' parents didn't find it suspicious that their child wasn't calling them plus it was Friday when they got the call that she is staying at a friend's house so maybe she was staying there for the weekend. All they cared about is for their daughter to be at school on Monday. That was also kinda their family dynamic. If you do good in school they weren't going to bother you. They would give you whatever you wanted or needed and that was it on their part. They loved their children but it just was like that in their house and the children didn't have a problem with that. They had a lot of freedom and they were happy with it. In school, it was noticed by her friends though. Not on the first day but after she wasn't in school for a week. After the week ended with no sort of contact from their friend Charlie and Melissa went to their friend's house after school. They rang the doorbell and waited before the mother opened.

-Hello girls how may I help you?

-We just wanted to ask about (Y/N). She wasn't in school the whole week and we are-But they were cut off by the mother.

-What?! She wasn't in school all week?!

-...Well yes. We came here because we got worried about her.

-Sorry but she isn't here either.

-Oh...Well, when she comes back please tell her to contact us. Have a good day.

And the girls left. The mother closed the door and immediately dialed her daughters' number. The was no answer the first time, the second time even after an hour no one answered. The father came back later that night and saw the mother sitting disheveled on the couch. The mother explained the situation and both adults agreed to go to the police station in the morning and report a missing person. The next day as planned after the two brothers were dropped off at school the parents went to the police station. After being questioned and filling in paperwork the parents came back home to find the two girls from before ringing the doorbell again. When the girls saw the car pulling up to the gate they both stooped and ran to the car.

-Goodmorning. Is (Y/N) back?

-Sadly no. We filled a missing person case and all we can do now is wait.

Melissa broke down after leaving the house.

-Where is she? What if something happened to her? What is she was kidnapped?

-Melissa don't worry we will find her...Mabey we can...ask our grade and other people she was friends with?

-But that will take forever she was friends with so many people.

-Exactly so someone must have seen something.


They both parted ways with encouraging words in their heads. They would find her. They needed to find her. The next day they asked every person n their year and even some teachers about their friend. The day before they made a list of people that could know anything about the girl and now as the school day was over almost everyone was crossed out except a few people and one of them was Clayton. It may seem weird that a person so close to their friend was last but they did it because of how hard it was to meet him. They called him asking him if they could come to his house because they had to ask him a few questions. He agreed and prepared everything for their arrival. They got to the neighborhood gate. The girls waited impatiently to get their ID cards checked but even after the woman at the gate checked they had to wait for her to get a call from the house that she could let them in. The neighborhood was luxuries and to even get to live here you needed to pay 1200 dollars a month and you only then could build or buy a hose here and half of the money seemed to go on ensuring Joe Public couldn't sneak in. Like ''being common'' was infectious or something. Finally, they were let in and told that there would be a car arriving soon. They got into the vehicle and were driven to Clayton's house. They were now sitting in a giant living room on an extravagant couch with the boy facing them on the other side.

-So what is it? Why did you come here?

-Well (Y/N) is missing...

Clayton almost spat out the tea that he was drinking.

-What!? Where is she?- he screamed 

-Claton clam down.- said, Melissa

-But how can I calm down if (Y/N) is missing!

-We know we are worried too so that is why we are questioning people around the school.

-Wow, you are such good friends. I wish I could help somehow.

-You are helping us just by answering questions. So first when did you last see (Y/N)?

-She was leaving my house in my car on Friday

The girls were now fully listening to him so he continued his story.

-We came here after school because I had to return her biology book. She didn't go home right after we still spend about 2 hours just spending time with each other. Then I sent her back home to one of the cars but after that, she didn't contact me.

-Oh well, that helps.

-I'm happy to be of help but I hope you don't mind but I have to ask you to leave.

-Oh, yeah sure.

-And please tell me If you find anything. Are you working with the police?

-Yes. We will tell you if they find anything.

-Thanks have a good day.

Soon a car pulled up and drove away with the girls.

-I'm so sorry for Clay. You saw how he reacted...

-(Y/N) and he are really close. He must be hurting so bad.

-I know but...look at us like some kind of detectives.

-Yea I guess but did you...

They talked all the way home and collected all the information they found out in a notebook. The day came to an end with not many questions answered but it was still enough for the girls to sleep soundly.

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