Chapter 1 - So it begins

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A young Izuku was crushed in a hug by Aunt Mitsuki, the tears still fresh on his face. She did her best to comfort the distraught child, but to little success. Uncle Masaru showed up not too much later after picking up Katsuki from school. A jarring stop to the first day. They too joined the hug, a rare moment of emotion for the young boy. Perhaps one of the first (his parents had been racking their brains to try and think of a moment before this, nothing came to mind) moments of sympathy from him, as he too, somehow knew the long lasting effects this would have on the remainder of Izuku's life. 

Neither he, nor anyone who enjoyed living, would admit it, but the aggressive spiky blond has a soft spot for the green haired boy. Izuku slowly managed to compose himself but continued to cling to the Bakugos. 

After a solid 5 minutes, they separated and the distraught stricken Izuku is in a daze, running on autopilot. Aunt Mitsuki gently carries him into the car, before going to our green haired boy's now empty household. He mindlessly took his notebooks, a number of clothes, and a small photo album before taking the keys, and locking the door behind him. 

The sombre crew went to the Bakugos' household, and while Mitsuki made dinner, Masaru and Katsuki set Izuku up with his room. Formerly the guest room, it now belonged to the new member of the Bakugo household. He quietly put his bags down, before curling up on the bed. It was getting dark, and he had not eaten anything since breakfast, but he felt no hunger.

Ah breakfast. A simple time that was, Izuku, together with his family. The family was going through their normal morning routine, involving various cereals, conversations, and unconditional love. Before long they had entered the car, and his parents bid him farewell as they dropped him off for his first day of school. He knew it would be his most exciting day for a long time to come, the next one hopefully being when he got his quirk. How naïve he was to expect that to happen. Unfortunately, the day was cut short when a police officer came to the school and took our little green haired child to the police station. And then his life changed.

Of course, it upset him. His parents were dead. He was distraught, but also on the inside he was kind of alright. His parents left him with a happy memory, and he remembered the last words he said to them before running out of the car to go to school. That kind of made everything alright. Right?

As he lay in the bed, quietly embracing his thoughts. He always was a thoughtful child in both senses of the word. He remembered the last things he said. The promise he made. He would fulfill it, and he would become the best of the best. Sure, he had his doubts, but he didn't have time for that. He had a promise to keep.

Katsuki quietly walked through the door and sat next to the grieving Izuku. He did his best to comfort the boy, but he could see something was different about him. Something other than the grief had struck the kind boy. It wasn't really anything to worry about, at least that's what Katsuki hoped, but it seemed as though the boy had a new glint in his eyes. Sure, there was still the Izuku they all knew and loved, although Katsuki would never admit it, that was going with him to his grave, but the boy was determined. Not an evil glint of vengeance, but one of certainty. 

He smiled inwardly, looking back to his best friend turned adopted brother before quietly making his way to his own room. It had been a big day for the small Katsuki, and he was immediately out like a light. Izuku soon followed suit shortly after writing a few notes on the hero that had captivated him. His new brother.

Not long passed before the boys had signs of their quirks appearing. The ecstatic Bakugo family, they considered Izuku one of their own and he was more than happy to accept, took the young boys to a quirk doctor. Katsuki had explosions. It was fairly simple. He sweat, he make boom. He was happy with that.

Izuku on the other hand had a much more... interesting quirk as the doctor put it. It was unique, and a mutation of his parents' quirks (his father being basically a human battery, and his mother having weak telekinesis) and the doctor got to see it in action. 

He was shocked, not literally but almost, and was writing up a short explanation from what he observed. Izuku could create a green lightning, which was what the quirk was dubbed as, and store it in his body at the expense of stamina. He could also direct it to various body parts to change various abilities of his and he could expel it in a fashion similar to Electrification, a more common electricity quirk. Rather than having his brain fried as a result, it drained his stamina and energy very quickly and overexertion could potentially lead to nerve damage of varying degrees.

The boys were thrilled by their quirks, and before long started practicing with each other. The next day of school, Bakugo was more than happy to show his off. However, when prompted, Izuku was far more reluctant and simply gave off a small green bolt. It left a mark where it hit, but it was so quick and weak that barely anyone noticed it. Some of the other kids started to tease him for it, but Katsuki shut them up. Rather quickly.

Perhaps this explained why the boys were inseparable for their schooling years, Katsuki had a deep care for Izuku and wanted nothing more than to protect his timid brother. At the same time though, Katsuki knew what Izuku's quirk was capable of, and they sparred frequently. None of the other kids minded it though, they much preferred the marginally tamer Katsuki when Izuku was around compared to the alternative. It wasn't much, but it was something.

Despite their obvious differences but also the fact that they hung out all the time, not a single student knew what happened that first day, and the situation they were living in together, but they were happy with that. They didn't mind. Of course, it definitely confused some students how much Izuku would change when talking to Bakugo (what they knew him as). 

Them calling each other by first name was one thing (rather calling Bakugo by first name, everyone called Izuku that), but the way the timid Izuku suddenly changed into an entirely different person who was, somewhat, more confident but would also take shots at Bakugo despite it never being nearly as much as the shots Bakugo took at him. 

Bakugo also changed, from someone arrogant and intimidating, to someone who had all the same qualities but with less of an edge to his insults, a much more back and forth and friendly albeit still challenging atmosphere. They had a very unique relationship, but no-one really paid much attention to it.

Bakugo's other... friends (but even he wouldn't call them that, they were more just people who wanted power) and many of Izuku's classmates all had the same question for him whenever Izuku wasn't around, "what is his quirk?". Bakugo, being the ever kind and thoughtful person, simply said that he wasn't going to say, and if they continued bothering him, he would blast them. Some kids asked regardless. They soon ended up with small burn marks on their hands after trying to stop him after he started walking away.

Bakugo did this for several reasons. One was that he knew Izuku didn't want to tell anyone, but the second was because he knew that Izuku was always training it to the point where he was ready to use it. Izuku was always concentrated in class, but even out of class and even if he were lying on the couch, and not writing his notes like his life depended on it, he was focusing on something. 

That and the green flashes that came out of Izuku's room every night at the end of the day. He knew his brother well enough to see that he was building up his storage for his quirk, trying to make himself as strong as possible. But what interested him most was that every now and then there'd be an ever so brief arc of green lightning coming off Izuku by the end of the day. This only happened once he either stopped focusing on his storage, hence why it never happened at school, or if his storage started being exceeded. It would also show frequently during use whenever they were sparring, coming off of the appendages in question.

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