Chapter 15 - Internships; start!

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The day for the internships had finally come around (additionally, Izuku was informed that Aizawa-sensei would be visiting the Bakugo household over the weekend for dorm negotiation, so that was finally being dealt with) and Izuku had brought his pack of clothing along with his hero costume (and Aizawa-sensei instructed for the students to take decent care of their costumes or their would be hell to pay later), and was standing at the station waiting for the train that would take him closest to Hawks' hero agency, along with Tokoyami. But before he did that, he needed to go talk to Iida.

"Iida! Wait-up!" Izuku called out, Uraraka not too far behind.
"Ah, Izuku, Uraraka!" He replied, a distant look in his eyes. This really worried Izuku. In the short time he had known Iida, the boy had always been fully present and aware, completely in the moment (especially in the boy's more... outspoken and lawful-good moments), "To what do I owe the company?"
"Are you okay Iida?" Izuku said plainly. Okay, maybe not the most tactful approach, but the extreme formality which Iida only spoke to strangers with startled him slightly.
"...I'm fine." Iida replied, not looking either of his friends in their eyes.
"Are you sure Iida? You've been more and more distant over these past few days..." Uraraka trailed off, turning to Izuku for support. But the green-haired boy could provide little, as a series of thoughts suddenly connected in his mind, a mental lightbulb.
"...Iida. You're going after Stain aren't you?" Izuku said, rather untactfully.

Iida's response was even more worrying, lowering his head and speaking sharply. "No."
"Iida..." Izuku trailed off, gathering his thoughts before continuing, "You're angry, aren't you?"
There was no response from the boy with dark blue hair, so Izuku kept talking, "You want vengeance for your brother, right?" Beside Izuku, a gasp from Uraraka could be heard as she suddenly understood, but she did not cut Izuku off as he continued again. "I understand you want that, but channeling your anger to do so is not the right way. Have you watched Star Wars?" Izuku doubted the boy had, something he had discovered in his previous school was that very few people shared his fascination for the pre-quirk era and most pretended it just didn't exist, many of his teachers before U.A included.
"Star Wars?" Iida questioned, incredibly confused by where this was going.
"Doesn't matter. Point is, there's a quote from the movie that I think could help you. 'Anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering'. Iida, if you ever need to talk to someone, we're here for you, o-okay?" Izuku finished with his stutter returning after the end of his little speech, and Uraraka nodding furiously by his side.

In response, Iida sighed and fixed his glasses. His face was visibly clearer, but not by much. "Thank you, both of you. But I will be fine. Good luck at your internships!" He said, before turning away. Izuku sighed in worry, and after bidding farewell to Uraraka and one last farewell to his brother (in which he showed him one of the posts about interning with Best Jeanist to which Bakugo began twitching and looking like he wanted to break something more than usual) he headed towards his train with Tokoyami. 

The two of them exchanged pleasantries and began discussion on a variety of topics, and Izuku was a little off-put by the abundance of edgy and moody replies, but by the end of the train ride he began to find it charismatic, and undeniably fitting of Tokoyami's presentation, quirk and hero name. 'I mean, he'll have his niche as a hero' Izuku thought as the two collected their bags and headed towards the city, where Hawks' hero agency was located.

Bakugo was twitching. A lot. Like, the unhealthy amount. He was already prepared to scream after watching the short clip Izuku had showed him, and after browsing various hero forums, he understood why his brother had kept chuckling at his choice of internship. 

He knocked, mildly violently, on the front door of Best Jeanist's hero agency, where he was promptly let in by one of Best Jeanist's many 'stylish' sidekicks. 'Stylish my ass, that looks impossible to fight in' Bakugo thought as he examined the sidekick, rambling about some shit about how honored Bakugo should feel for being taken on as an intern by Best Jeanist. He tsked as they made their way into the elevator, for an impossibly long ride where he had to deal with the sidekick's impossibly irritating rants about fashion, and he was about to snap at them to shut the fuck up when the elevator dinged, signaling freedom. 'Surely fucking Best Jeanist can't be as stuck-up as this twerp'. Bakugo would never admit to anyone, how truly wrong he was at that moment.

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