Chapter 47 - Hatchlings... bar one

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Izuku was yet to try this shot on a biological target, but as long as he prioritised the impact of the shot itself, it shouldn't do any major damage against a target he definitely didn't want it to.

However, he didn't need to find out as he heard a loud buzzer. "The last civilians have made it to the evacuation zone, and are in safety! Please make your way to the starting area for your results and further instructions! and then i can get some sleep!" A voice called out, and Izuku recognised it as the primary exam invigilator.

Gang Orca also let out a breath he was holding, and went up to congratulate the boys. "Todoroki, and Yoarashi I believe? You two did very well to patch up your differences and work together, that is very important in the line of work. And whilst your initial fire tornado definitely would've worked against any other villain, it's important to have a follow up. Always," Gang Orca then turned to Izuku, who was pressing various buttons on his left hand gauntlet.

"And Izuku, correct?" Gang Orca asked.
"Y-yes sir!" Izuku responded as he stiffened up, causing the pro hero to chuckle.
"Don't worry about the formalities young man! You did incredibly well, not only against me but you prioritised the rescue of your teammates! I am very glad the exam finished when it did because otherwise I would've been feeling the bruise from your 'Railgun Shot' for weeks to come! Congratulations to all three of you!" He said, giving them a thumbs up before going to help the hired goons out of the concrete they were trapped in.

Izuku finished punching in the buttons on his left gauntlet, to reveal a rolled up notebook. "Well, while we're walking, do you mind if I ask you some questions about your quirk Yoarashi?" Izuku asked the taller boy.
"Not at all! I love your passion for quirks!" He loudly announced and Todoroki followed behind the two, chuckling.

By the time they arrived at the announcement podium, Izuku had filled a page regarding Yoarashi's quirk and the two were excitedly discussing the best up and coming pro-heroes, and Todoroki would intermittently offer his opinion, although he wasn't quite as well versed in the subject.

Izuku was very glad to see the two interacting without any animosity, and it was quite relieving when the two held a standard conversation together (standard as in they were both insulting Endeavour as much as possible but that's pretty good).

Soon the invigilator stood behind the lectern and a tense silence fell over all the students present.

"Alright... you were marked on a demerit system, because there's no room for errors in the line of heroism. Negative publicity catches on far more in most instances. And errors can be especially fatal. On the board behind me, will display the names of everyone that passed in alphabetical order by first name. Other invigilators will hand out the individual breakdown. And I'm going to go sleep," Mera finished, before pressing a button which caused the screen to flicker to life.

All the students remained silent for a good few seconds, all of them searching for their name on the screen. They all remained silent, until Yoarashi broke it. "I passed!" He screamed throwing his fists in the air.

The students all began celebrating their own with their friends, Todoroki, Izuku and Iida joined Yoarashi in their celebration (even if Todoroki's was more of just a placing his fist in the air).

"Congratulations Izuku, Todoroki and Yoarashi! I expected no less of such exemplary students!" Iida said, his hand karate chopping the air.
"Don't sell yourself short Iida! I'm sure you did really well too! And you are no less exemplary than any of us!" Izuku told him with a smile on his face, and Todoroki provided a hum in agreement.

"Wait, Iida, as in the Ingenium family?!" Yoarashi spoke up, "I love you guys! So much passion!"
"Thank you! I hope to continue to wear the Ingenium name with pride and carry on where my brother left off!" Iida said, and Todoroki and Izuku were glad to see that he had carried on.

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