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Thank you guys for your motivating comments.
It really helped me a lot.

Demon POV

I was in my chartered flight, accompanied by 2 Pilots and two air hostess.
I spent my 5 hours flight just thinking about Desirée and her culprit. I could just remember one person who could be helpful in this situation.
But facing that person would blew up our cover. But right now unveiling the secrets and culprit was more important.
By the time I reached my place I was too tired but work come first. I called my PI and asked him for a meeting.
I informed Romano about my arrival.
Although I wanted to talk with her but I didn't know if she asked me about my whereabouts .
I have to lie to her and I didn't wanted to do.

Tomorrow I have lots to do. The faster I dig out the secrets, easier it will be for me to get to the bottom of of this whole incident.


Next day I was standing outside the place where it all started. This is the place where I'm at the Love Of My Life, "The flower shop".
The shop was not even opened. I was waiting in my car which was parked across the road. I didn't wanted anyone else to know who I'm , so it was better to stay behind the black tinted glass.

After 10 minutes I saw him coming. The place was quite empty. It was the best time. I indicated my driver cum bodyguard to go and bring him to me and what to say if he didn't obliged to come.

Ryan POV

One month! 30 days since the last time I saw Desirée in the flower shop.
I have given up my hope of ever finding her. Although she was my only family, I failed to protect her. I I searched every place possible where I expected her to be but she was no where to be found.
Even the cops work clueless about her whereabouts. I don't know if I will be lucky enough to see her again. I just wish she is, let her be safe and sound.

I reached the shop and was about to to fetch out the keys when I felt presence behind me. I turned to see if my customers have already started ,because it was too early for that, but came face to face with the bouncer type of man.

"Mr Ryan, Mr Hillingdon wants to have a private talk with you. He is waiting in the car for you sir. "

Who the hell is he and who the hell is Mr Demon?

" Sorry sir, I don't know you and neither your boss.
So, I'm really sorry, but I have to refuse. Also I have to open my shop customers will start coming soon.
So, it's my humble request to you to leave the shop." I said confidently although I was intimidated.

"Its about Ms. Desirée.
Boss wants to talk about Ms. Desirée. "

That got my interest. What did he know about her and how did he know about her?
I didn't wasted any time and started following him. He took me to the black Mercedes that was waiting across the road.
He opened the door for me and looked inside.

I had seen him before. I'm sure about that but where. He ushered me to get in.
Although I was reluctant, I had to oblige because it was my only chance of getting to know anything about Desirée.

"Hello! My name is Demon Hillingdon and you are Ryan. I know about you and I want to know something which I am sure that you know about, Desirée."

How did he know my name and what do he need to know about Desirée?

" Although I don't know you and I'm not comfortable about sharing anything about my friend. All I can tell you is Desiree went missing last month.
I have tried everything but it was to no avail. Even the cops failed. " I was literally on the verge of crying. But I controlled myself.
I couldn't breakdown in front of a complete stranger.
Everyday was a torture for me. My eyes only searched her but my hopes were diminishing everyday.

He looked at me straight into my eyes and said something that left me shocked.

"Desirée is with us."

Demon POV

His expression changed from shocked to ferocious in seconds.
He grabbed my collar and was about to punch me but was stopped by my bodyguard when he nudged him with his gun. He left my collar and looked at my bodyguard.

" No need to get angry Ryan. She is happy and safe with us and is leading A comfortable life.
But I have came here for some other reason. I want a proper meeting with you in my please right now so you won't be able to go to your flower shop.
You can inform any of your other worker about your your plan but keep in mind don't tell the truth."

He looked doubtful about whatever I said.

" How will I know that you are telling me the truth?
How will I know that she is really with you and what do you mean by she is with us?
Who is this us with you.

I knew he would say that. I showed him the picture I had of her. It was from the last day when we had our candle light dinner. I took picture of her without her knowledge.

He stared at the picture for long time but was unable to phrase a question

"So, now that I proved you that she is with us how about a nice chat where we could discuss about the things that I came to know about her.

I came to you because I know you are the only person from her past who is close to her and is from her orphanage.

There is lot of things going on in her life which is related to her past. I just want to know what had really happened in her past that had changed her so much?


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