Chapter 9

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2 Months Later...

"Hey, back off! This is my dumpster!" I barked to a passerby. They looked as dirty as I was, so they were probably looking to snag a dumpster. I slid inside and closed the lid. My bassoon case was leaning against a wall, with my duffel and clothes sitting beside. My blanket with a bunch of newspapers under it and a dirty pillow was on the other end.

 All my stuff was strewn around the dumpster. It was home, but it was nice, quiet, and peaceful. But I had to go to school. It was early in the morning, the fog still hanging in the air. Putting on my best clothes, I grabbed my new backpack full of school supplies and hopped out.

I fished out my bassoon and trudged towards the school. My long gold-brown hair was pulled into a braid running down my back, and my body and prosthetic was clear of any dirt. "Ellie! There you are!" Olive said, running up and hugging me. "Hi, Olive. Let me go put my bassoon up," I said after she let go of me. I went to the band room, and up to my cubby, sliding my case in.

Then I met Olive outside the gym across the hall, and we walked in, snagging a seat on the 8th-grade bleachers. The group of 6th-graders looked nervous, and the 7th-graders looked indifferent. As we waited, I pulled out my walkman. "Woah, what's that?" They asked. "It's a walkman. It was my mom's," I said.

Olive knew how much my mom meant to me, so they didn't press me any further. The principal gave us a 'welcome back to school' speel, then announced our classes. I had homeroom with Olive and Zach. Picking up my bag and slinging it onto my back, I trudged down the hall to homeroom. I sat with Olive and waited for the teacher.

She did roll-call after giving us another speech. "Eleanor Scotch?" She called. "I go by Ellie," I clarified, and she wrote something down. After finishing the roll, we got lockers and schedules. I got a top locker, above Zach.

 I was not happy about that. We were then sent to put our stuff in said lockers, and Zach butted his way in before I could reach my locker. With a sigh, I leaned against the wall, my backpack hanging from my shoulder. He purposely took a long time, so I had to quickly put everything except what I needed in my locker and get back to class. As I was going towards the locker, Zach stuck his leg out and I tripped over it, my prosthetic coming off and my books sprawling across the ground.

He kicked my leg away before I could reach it, then went back into the classroom. "What happened, Ellie?" Mrs. Heathers asked, coming into the hall. "Zach tripped me and knocked my prosthetic away," I said, flipping onto my back and sitting up. She called Zach back into the hall, who had a scowl on his face. "Did you trip Ellie and knock her prosthetic leg away so she couldn't get up?" She asked him.

"No, why would I do that?" He asked. "He did! I saw him! He intentionally tripped her and kicked her prosthetic away," One of my classmates said. "You will report to detention after school today," Mrs. Heathers told him, then gave me my prosthetic. "Thank you, Mrs. Heathers," I said, popping my leg back on. I stood, gathered my books, and as I went into the classroom, subtly kicked him in the shin.

Take that, you jerk.

a/n Today has not been the best day for me. We had to give up one of our cats. She's still alive, we just gave her to someone else. But on a less sour note, I'm going to be starting another book based in the MCU. I'm only putting the title, and whichever gets the most comments will be the one I publish.

1 - Kufanelekile

2 - In a Mirror's Reflection

3 - The Summer Warrior

4 - Valkyrie

5 - Ravagers

6 - Shaman

7 - Redback Widow

8 - Captain's Star

9 - Cyanide

Also, please vote and comment on which one you would like to see! The titles are pretty self-explanitory.

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