Chapter 19

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After a silent meal of shwarma, we all gathered in Central Park to see Thor taking Loki back to Asgard. Erik Selvig pulled out an alien-like container, Banner opening the suitcase containing the Tesseract. Using tongs, he carefully lowered it into the container, which was promptly sealed. I was glad that thing was leaving Earth. First, it fueled HYDRA's weapons and almost killed Cap in the 40s, and it almost led to New York becoming a nuclear fallout zone.

I was back in my normal clothes, my suit hid underneath and my hands in my pockets. Thor clapped Selvig on the shoulder as a thank you for his help. Loki's gaze was locked onto me, making me extremely unsettled. But, instead of cowering away and showing fear, I stared right back at him, challenging him.  After a while, he gave a very subtle nod that I almost missed.

It was a sign of respect, that much I could tell. The reason behind the respect, I didn't know. Thor took the container, balancing it on one arm, his hammer in the other. Annoyed and reproachful, Loki took hold of the container, and Thor twisted his end. The two being glowed with blue light, before zipping back off to space or wherever the hell they were from.

Steve shook Stark's hand, while Natasha handed Banner a bag, presumably filled with clothes for him. "Misha should be dropped off soon," She told him, and he nodded. Banner and Stark climbed into a car, zooming off as the engine revved slightly. Steve hopped onto his motorcycle, taking off as well. That left Clint, Natasha, and I.

"So, where will you be going?" Natasha asked. "Back home," I said, shoving my hands deeper into my pockets. "Where I found you?" She asked. "I've got nowhere else to go," I admitted. The two exchanged a few almost silent words before Clint spoke.

"Oh, no, kiddo. Come on, it's time you met Fury,"

a/n Misha is Banner's daughter, and she will get her own book. Eventually.

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