Chapter 27

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8 PM rolled around far too quickly for my liking. Laura, Cooper, and Lila stood out on the porch, waving as we got into the car. When they faded from view, I slumped back in my seat. I didn't want to wear my leg for the entire ride, and it was uncomfortable to sleep in, so I took it off. "How did you lose your leg?" Nat asked from her seat.

"Well, to prevent the King Cobra venom from reaching my heart and killing me, the doctors amputated the part of my leg with venom in the blood. I should've died before they found me, but for some reason, the venom was slow-moving," I explained, crossing my arms. "What happened after the accident?" She asked. "I went to a foster home for amputees, and when I was recovered, I was put into another foster home with another kid. But, the foster parents gave me up because they were having a kid of their own. So I went to another house, which I ran away from. Found my dumpster after a few nights, and you know the rest," I said. "S.H.I.E.L.D. had been watching you for a while. When we learned about your 'home,' they sent me to get you," Nat said. "Why were they watching me?" I asked.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. monitors potential threats, and we didn't know what the venom had done to you, so you were classed as such," Clint said from the wheel. "A 12-year-old kid was a potential threat?" I asked, raising a brow. "Your abilities, being unknown and sporadic, were. You just happened to be the one wielding them," Nat said. I dozed off for the rest of the ride, waking up when we entered New York. When we entered, a bright column of light appeared and disappeared.

"What was that?!" I asked, alarmed. "It looked like the Bifrost. It's probably Thor," Nat said. "Okay..." I said, leaning back into my seat and putting my leg back on. The car pulled into the parking lot, and we all got out. I made a beeline to my room, putting my stuff on my bed before heading down to the training room.

Steve was attacking a punching bag, while Clint and Nat were sparring. I went over to the other punching bag and started attacking it. Beside me, Steve had to get another bag because he broke his. Soon after, I split mine after a particularly strong punch, so I also had to set up another. After a while, the others left, leaving me alone in the room.

After a few weeks of being back, I started to incorporate other moves into my attacks. I jumped and thrust my legs into the bag, sending it to the back wall with a thud. I set another up and continued going at it when I heard footsteps. "Couldn't sleep?" A voice asked, appearing in the doorway. "Nope," I said, landing a right hook.

"Come over here," She said, so I stopped and wandered over. "We have reports of an Aesir roaming the streets. You're tasked with finding her to see how you've improved since you joined," She said, handing me a file. "We saw this when we got back," I said, taking the file and flipping it open. The only thing present was a picture of a thin black-haired girl with piercing green eyes, wearing a black jumpsuit and a black jacket. "Well, she should be easy to find, looking like that," I said, closing the file.

"When you do find her, do not engage. She could be dangerous," She ordered. "How?" I asked. "Thor reported that she was held prisoner in Asgard's dungeon after an attempt to kill their king," She explained, looking me over. "When do I leave?" I asked, handing the file back. She dropped the hand to her side.

"You're the new agent, aren't you?" She asked. "Yep," I said, starting to unwrap the tape from my hand. "I'm LT Koenig," She offered a hand, which I shook. "Koenig. I swear I've heard that name before," I muttered. "I've got triplet brothers in the service. The fourth's a comedian," She explained.

 "Quadruplets? How'd you tell em apart?" I asked. "I don't," She admitted. "You get picked on a lot?" I asked. "No, I was the bully. Laundry was awful, enough DNA to make a clone army," She said. "You know, you never told me when I'm leaving," I pointed out.

"Tomorrow morning. Get some rest, you'll need it,"

a/n I loved LT Koenig in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., so I just had to include her. Besides, I needed a senior officer to give her the mission.

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