I don't like you.

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After signing the papers yesterday Billie and I exchanged phone numbers. Eventually, Jordan found out from Danny what I had agreed to. Although he did swear I'd live to regret it, so far I haven't had any problems. 

"Did you even think before signing it? Like maybe have a lawyer look over it?" Jordan says pacing around the hotel room. "Jordan I just want to go to rehearsals. And not talk about it okay? I know I made a mistake but if you saw her face you would have done the same" I say picking up my journal. I walk out of my hotel room with him following behind me.

"I just think it's a little ridiculous Nora to sign something that you don't know where it could lead you" I know he's mad but I didn't think it was that bad. "Okay, Jordan I get it. Hop off, would you?" I walk off by myself to get to the first venue of the tour.

Billie and I are supposed to start getting some attraction towards the two of us together. So after rehearsal, Danny made me go ask Billie to lunch. I can't believe I signed that stupid contract. I knock on her dressing room door, trying to find the right words. I waited for a few minutes and no response. So I turn to leave when I hear the door open. "Can I help you?" I heard a very pissed-off Billie state.

I turn back around to see Billie halfway through make-up. "Oh, I didn't know you were busy. Danny told me to ask you to lunch. But you're busy so I'll just go by myself" I say viciously spinning my ring around my finger. "Sure, I'll go. I'm pretty sure I don't have a choice since Danny asked you. And know him he'll probably have you come back and that would be a waste of time wouldn't it?" Billie says with a straight face. Suddenly I feel I gust of wind being slammed in my face.

This bitch did not just slam a door in my face. 

She can come to me when she's ready, I'm done trying. Why did she ask me to sign the damn papers? Ten moments later Danny comes into my dressing room asking me why I was still there. I told him what had happened with Billie; he went to go talk to her. Moments later my door opens and incomes in Danny and Billie follow. "Go to lunch" 

Billie brought us to a vegan restaurant which I wasn't mad about because it's the only way we can both eat. Since I had never been there Billie offered to order for us. 

I know I shouldn't trust her so easily. 

Our table sat near a window. "You know I don't like you right?" 

wow thanks for mentioning Captian fucking Obvious

I turn my attention away from the window looking at her emotionless face. "Yes, I've always had a feeling you didn't" I look back out the window not wanting to be here any longer. 

Our food arrives and we begin to eat. I decided to break the silence, "you can at least try" I continued eating my sandwich. 

For some reason, I've had a hard time with people not liking me. 

why won't she at least try to

She still doesn't say anything; I look out the window and notice something peculiar. I see someone with a camera taking a picture of Billie and me. I turn my attention to Billie and look at her just staring at her phone. "Hey, Billie?" I say quietly afraid the paps might hear us from outside. 

"What do you want from me, Nora?" She says looking from her phone at me. "The paps are here taking pictures of the two of us right now," I say still in a low voice. Billie turns and looks out the window, then back to me nervously. "Okay?" she asks. "This is our time to shine after all. This is the first time people will see us together in public." 

Billie came up with the idea of us walking out together with her arm around my shoulders. As we were walking to the car we did just that. The walk was a bit far, I told Billie jokes along the way and she actually laughed at them. Once we got to the car and we were finally alone Billie went back to her blank face. 

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