Do you mean it?

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jordans' POV

I'm getting quite fed up with the way Billie has been treating my little sister. She doesn't deserve all the crap she is putting up with. I knock on Billie's door; the door swings up, and Finneas is standing there. "If you are looking for Nora she's not here. I haven't seen her since the restaurant, have you?" Finneas says. I nod and ask if I could see Billie, "Why do you need to see Billie?" I get that he's her big brother but he should know why. 

"I just want to have a conversation with her," I say with a half-smile to ease his nerves. He lets me in and tells me Billie is playing video games with her friends. I walk all the way back to Billies' room and knock on the door. I hear a 'come in'; no one disrespects my little sister. I open the door and Billie looks at me and rolls her eyes. "What do you want?" She says dryly. 

"What do I want? I want you to stop treating my sister like shit. She's on the other bus crying her eyes out. All she wants to do is her job, but you make her hate her career." I say angrily trying not to raise my voice. Billie's friends tell Billie that they are going to get something to eat; leaving her and me alone. "I don't want you guys here, don't you understand that?" Billie says laughing at me.  "One day we are going to expose your true self to the world," I say leaving the room and bus altogether. 


Nora's POV

I woke up feeling better than yesterday; I had to go back to Billie's bus to get my stuff. Danny let me consider that it wasn't going to work out at all unless we start being civil to one another. So I was finally with my band and my brother on my own bus. Today was the day of the show; Oliver has been a nervous wreck all morning over it. He was only going to be performing two songs but two seemed like a million to him. Rehearsals went by pretty fast today, when I looked at the time it was lunch. 

I was chilling in my dressing room waiting for my security when I got a knock on my door. I opened the door to see Billie standing there; to my surprise, I would have never thought after what Jordan had said. "Would you like to go to lunch with me?" Billie asks me with a nonchalant tone. "I'm guessing Danny asked you so yeah I'll go with you. Just let me grab my purse," I walk to the makeup chair and grab my bag. 

Billie said the place she wanted to go wasn't very far so we walked. The walk was quiet and peaceful. It was a little chilly but it felt good. "Did you mean what you said in that interview?" Billie says, looking down as we walked. "Yeah, I'm sorry if that made you feel uncomfortable," I say, trying to make her feel comfortable. "Don't apologize, I think it's sweet. And the only person who should be apologizing is me. I'm sorry for what I tweeted back then. I was just so angry which is no excuse. But really I'm sorry; I have no reason to hate you. Let's put our differences aside and be friends. maybe?" Billie says stopping to look at me. 

I would have never thought Billie would be standing here and apologizing to me. "Yeah, we can be friends," I say smiling. We continue to walk to the cafe in silence. Once we get to the cafe we order and take a seat at a table outside. "Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself," Billie says sipping her drink. "Alright, my name is Nora Thomas, I'm 19 years old, Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. I came from two loving parents and my older brother. My favorite color is lavender, my favorite flower is daisies and my favorite thing to do is write stories." I say smiling, then taking a sip of my drink. 

"Why did you become a singer if you enjoy writing stories?" Billie says curiously. "Songs are stories; every night that I sing. I'm telling stories to thousands of people. It's a beautiful way to do it," I say looking at Billie with a smile. "Wow, that's a great way of looking at it," Billie breaks our eye contact to look around. "Now it's your turn to tell me a little bit about yourself," I say to keep the conversation going. Billie tells me some of the basics of who she is and how she became a singer. 

After our short conversation our food came, while we were eating some fans came up to us and asked for pictures. I couldn't say no, so we took a few pictures and they left. "Oh before I forget; I have something for you. It's like a big apology for everything wrapped up in one." Billie says taking a little box out of her pocket. She then slides the box across the table; I pick it up opening it revealing a necklace the same as Billies. "This is a little piece of me, now we have matching necklaces." I start to tear up, nobody has ever given me something like this. "Do you mean it?" I say making sure she's not going to just treat me like shit after giving me this. She nodded smiling at me, "Can I hug you please?" I say hoping for a yes. She nods again; I stand up and give her a hug. 

After lunch, Billie asked me once we were more comfortable with each, that I could move back into her bus. I agreed because we are supposed to be seen together once we announce that we are together. Billie had put the necklace on me at the cafe; I haven't taken my eyes off it since. When we got back to the arena Billie and I went our separate ways so that we could get ready. Jordan asked me where I got my necklace from, so I told him. He was a little mad at first but got over it. 


Before going on stage Billie came by and told me good luck. I think she actually meant it when she said she wanted us to be friends. I walk on stage, "Hello San Francisco, how is y'all doing tonight?" I say into the mic. The crowd goes wild, "Wow y'all's energy is amazing. This first song is called Hold On" the crowd cheers again. Throughout the concert, my phone was blowing up. I was anxious to check it. 

Finally, I got through my set; Danny congratulates me on tonight's show. Billie rushed past me before I could say good luck she was on stage. I checked my phone seeing that it was a bunch of messages from.. 

* Word count: 1168

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