One - seven?!

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I stepped out of the taxi and inhaled the Tokyo City air. It was different, smoggier, denser, then the air in my small home town. I stared up at the dorms for Tokyo University. This was going to be my first year of collage and i was prepared to have a blast! I picked an easy major to ensure i would have enough time to party and have fun with my bestfriend, Nishanoya Yuu, who was already inside waiting for me.



You're almost here right (y/n)?

seen 2:13

Yeah I'm omw up rn

and wym surprise???

what  did you do Yuu???

seen 2:14

I hesitantly climbed the pale, wooden steps to the third floor where my dorm and dormmates where located. I know I'm in the same dorm as Noya because I called the dean ahead of time and requested to be put in the room next to his. I gently pushed my key into the key hole and turned the doorknob. I slowly pushed the door open and stepped inside without looking up as an odd jittery feeling flooded over me in an instant. I forced myself to look up, my eyes meeting with a devilishly grinning Nishanoya. My eyes began to wander around the living room as reality hit me and I realized what my 'surprise' was

"I-I'm the only chick?!" I felt my face go cold as I paled looking at the seven men sitting on various chairs and couches. They all had different vibes and feeling to them, only two of which I was familiar with. Noya, of course, and then Asahi, a tall, long haired, sensitive, young man with a heart of gold, who was on the same team as Noya in high school. I didn't know too much about him personally but I trusted him.

"Surprise!!" Noya exclaimed in a taunting tone, "and you thought living with just me in high school was bad!! Now theirs seven!!!"

"Nishanoya Yuu i swear on sweet rolls if you did this on purpose ill skin you alive and hang you by your toes!!!" I growled

" I didn't I swear!!" he flicked a tear away from the corner of his eye that was brought on due to his laughter, " Anyway guys this is my bestfriend (yf/n) (yl/n)! She came to watch every game i played in! Including practices! Ever since middle school!" Noya exclaimed with a proud smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you all." I looked around nervously, my eyes darting form person to person as they stared at me.

"Lets all introduce ourselves to the pretty young lady!" A muscular, black haired young man proposed. Part of his hair stick up and back, similar to Noya's, then  the other half flopped in front of his face, "My name is Kuroo!" He smirked. It was a sly smirk, seeming to imply that he's a lady's man. He turned to the smaller boy next to him, giving him a bump with his elbow.

The boy looked up from his hand held gaming system, " Oh my turn?" Kuroo nodded at him, "I'm Kenma, but I probably wont talk to you unless Kuroo takes away my games again. You are pretty though." The boy turned his attention back to his game as I gave him one good look over, his brunet roots creeping into his blonde hair. Somehow the root look fit him well.

"Thank you!" I replied. Kenma seemed like an honest yet reserved person, I admired that.

"I guess I'm next!!" A boisterous, owl-like young man spoke as clapped his hands together once, "I'm Bokuto!! But you can call me the great owl if you want!" He let out a slightly cocky grin

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