Thirteen - Home is Not a Place

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You've got to be kidding me. Was I freaking psychic?! Tooru Oikawa was sitting down at table four studying. He seemed really into it too, not like the person I knew a year ago. I took a deep breath, collecting my thoughts. I slowly made my way to table four, setting down the plate and cup. 

He didn't even look up, he just mumbled out a "Thank you", his head was completely engrossed in his studies. His voice was the same as it was before. His hair was just ever so slightly longer. He looked good, as always. I felt butterflies in my stomach again. I let my hand reach out and tap him on the shoulder, "May I help yo....(Y/n)...?"

"Hey.." I felt an awkward smile creep onto my face. My palms were sweaty and all of a sudden I felt like I was going to be sick.

"What...What are you doing here?!?" He sputtered out, eyes refusing to leave mine. 

"I work here..." I rubbed the side of my arm, "Can we...can we talk?"

"Yeah! Of course, just let me pack up real quick." He exclaimed, tossing things into his backpack.

"Okay, I'll be right back." I jogged over to Yachi, "Hey can I take my break early?! There's someone I really need to talk to...."

"Well, who is it?" She questioned

"Um..." I gulped, "Oikawa.."

"Oh yeah totally go! sort that mess out you can have the day off!" she spoke with wide eyes.

"Thank you!" 

Oikawa walked up behind me, his arms threw his backpack straps, "Are we going somewhere to talk or..?"

"Yeah upstairs, follow me." I took off my apron, making my way to the door of the apartment. We walked up the stairs quietly, but warm salty streams were already making their way down my face. I was so happy to see him again! I'm sure he was happy to see me too! I opened the door at the top of the stairs and let him inside, "Feel free to set down your stuff anywhere."

"So...what happened?"  he asked, setting down his bag on the chair at the far end of the room, "Are you crying?"

"Yeah sorry I'm just really happy to see you!" I ran over and wrapped my arms around him. I felt his hands on my shoulder, pushing me away.

"Don't go and think things are exactly the same as they were before, (Y/N)!" he blurted out

"Wh..what?" I stuttered out in utter disbelief.

"You broke my fucking heart (Y/N)!" he scoffed, an intense glair sprawled across his face, "God it hurt so fucking bad! I fucking trusted you and what do I get?! BETRAIL!"

"O..Oikawa I did it for your own good!" I cried, tears falling harder and faster as the seconds ticked by.

"Oh yeah and how is that?!" He was raising his voice. His brow was furrowed. He was angry with me.

I took a couple of seconds to try and calm down, "I'm bad luck Oikawa! Everyone always gets hurt when they are around me!" 

"Well, I did get hurt!" He glared, "You were the best damn thing that had ever happened to me! I told you I was in love with you and what did you do?!"

I took a step back, realizing that he had indeed been hurt because of me, but not in the way that I thought, "I-I hurt you..."

"All on your own too!" he shouted, "You didn't need any bad luck to help you with that! You ripped my heart out with your own two hands!"

He picked up his bag, walking past me, and making his way to the door. "Oikawa wait!"

He didn't listen. He just kept walking. Out the door, down the steps, and out of the building.

I flopped back onto the couch, sinking into the cushions, slowly turning into a sobbing mess. My eyelids got heavier and heavier as seconds turned into minutes. I began to drift off. The world turned into a warm haze. I tried not to let the brunet into my dreams as he clearly wouldn't want to be in there anyway.

I was a princess.


Sitting high up in a tower.


No one to come rescue me.


I opened my eyes due to an odd sound at the living room window. I glanced up at the clock, 1:24 a.m. The sun was no longer shining like it was when I laid down, instead, the moon hung in its place.


I groggily stood up, dragging my feet on the way over to the window. I slid the piece of glass upward, a pebble immediately hitting me in the forehead. "Ow!"

"I'm sorry," a familiar voice called out, "Starlight"

"Oikawa?!' I exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk," He held up a container of those soft sugar cookies with the icing on them, the kind you get at large grocery stores, "and Nishinoya said these were your favorite so I picked some up."

"You asked him what my favorite cookie was?"

"Uh yeah..." The brunet admitted, rubbing the back of his neck, "So can we talk?"

"Depends," I teased, "Do I get the cookies even if we don't talk?"

"No!" he asserted, "No talk, no cookies!"

"Fine." I held in a giggle, "But only because I want the cookies."

I walked downstairs, meeting Oikawa at the front doors of the coffee shop. I walked behind the bar, turning on the light and putting some coffee into one of the machines, "anything to drink?"

"A caramel frap if you don't mind." He replied as he opened up the box of cookies and plucked one from its place.

"I thought those were for me?!" I jokingly exclaimed.

"They're for the both of us." He smiled

"Alright, I guess that's fine." I sighed as I scrunched my nose. 

"So you left because you were worried you were bad luck?"

"Yeah.." I bit down on my lip, drawing a small amount of blood, "Both of my parents died and then my first boyfriend got an injury that ended his basketball career before it even fully took off. Noya is the only one who didn't pass or get hurt around me."

"You ever think those were just coincidences," He asked, "I mean non of the boys in the dorm ever got hurt...well...apart from me."

"No, I hadn't really." I turned around to face him, placing his drink in front of him.

"Hey don't hurt yourself like that," he blurts out. placing his thumb and pointer finger on my chin, "Your lips are too pretty to be bleeding." 

He gently connected our lips, a familiar feeling spread through my body, "Why...did you do that?"

"Because home is not a place to me, (Y/N)," he spoke softly, lips only an inch away from mine as we both leaned over the counter, "Home is a feeling I get, only when you are around." He connected them again, "And I intend to protect my home, bad luck or not."


This chapter is shorter but kinda dramatic AND wholesome! Imma just say the chapters might be a lot fluffier from now on....MIGHT haven't decided yet. The next chapter is gonna be really fluffy tho! Sorry I took so long to update! I went threw a breakup and loosing a friend, and I also got a Job! But as always please feel free to comment and leave feedback! Luca out!

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