Eight - Help

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TW***** THIS CHAPTER ALLUDES TO TOUCHY SUBJECTS SUCH AS LACK OF CONSENT!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. I would also like to add that consent due to peer pressure IS NOT CONSENT, consent while drunk IS NOT CONSENT, consent out of fear IS NOT CONSENT. If someone is doing something you are uncomfortable with PLEASE tell them. It could save you so much pain.


Terushima invited me over to his dorm the following day after both of us had finished class. He had also insisted on walking me to class this morning. Sadly, I wasn't really in the position to decline him. I could have tried to avoid him but he would have realized. We walked to his dormitory from the left-wing art studios, where I had my last classes. It was gloomy outside. The clouds were grey and the air had an eerie chill to it. Terushima unlocked the door, pushing it open to reveal that the common area was slightly messy, but not too bad. There were two boys sitting on the couch, one was blonde and the other had dark silver hair, but one glance at them and you could tell they were twins. The blonde twin had on a black and yellow tee-shirt that I assumed was for a sports team, as well as a pair of dark wash jeans. The silver-haired twin was adorned in a black letterman's jacket with white trim, I assume it was from high school.

"(Y/N) this is Atsumu and Osamu Miya!" Terushima informed me, gesturing to the aforementioned pair, "Miya's this is my future wife, (Y/N)." I wanted to physically revolt against that sentence. I would not be your future wife.

"It's great to meet you!" the twins replied in a cheerful tone. 

I smiled and nodded gently, "Same to you."

Osamu looked at Atsumu for a moment, "Should we be going Atsumu?" the boy smirked.

"Yeah, I think we should give these two some alone time." The blond replied with a wink in Terushima's direction, standing up and leaving the dorm with his brother following close behind. Alone. We were completely alone. 

I felt a pair of hands on my waist, his large, muscular body pressing against my small, slightly weaker frame from behind. His strong hands pulling me firmly against his body. I felt uncomfortable, this wasn't what I wanted. His hot fingertips made their way under the edge of my lavender shirt.

"May I use the restroom?" good excuse.

"Yeah," Terushima replied, letting go and gesturing down the hallway, "Second door on the left."

"Thank you." I scurried down the hall and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I pulled out my phone, tapping on the group chat the boys and I had. "Code Red. At his dorm." I hit the send button, flushing the empty toilet and washing my hands, even though I didn't go. I made my way to the living room to see Terushima sitting on the couch with a couple of beers. I sat down next to him, "So what do you wanna do?"

"Well, I was thinking we could have a little fun," That sly grin was painted across his lips again, "Your little dormmates kinda killed the mood last time."

"Oh um..." I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. How do you tell someone so intimidating no? Before I could even process it his lips were pressed against mine and I was laying against the arm of the couch. His hands were on my waist, gripping it firmly as his lips collided with mine in different ways I was extremely not fond of. I don't want this! Not from him! 

One hand started making its way up, stopping just under my chest, the other moved down, cupping my backside, pushing me closer against his body. His lips left a sloppy trail from my lips, across my cheek, and down to my neck. It left a burning feeling like my skin was being scorched to a crisp. I wanted to scream. I wanted to say I didn't want this. I felt the equally hot metal ball that was attached to the rod in his tongue press against my neck. It felt like he was branding me. His hot breath tickled my neck but it was a sensation I did not want to feel! I feel so helpless! I don't know what to do! I'm stuck! But I can't cry, he might get mad. Finally what I feared the most started to happen, his finger looped under the top of my light wash jeans. No no no no!

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