Five - Early Morning Confrontations

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After classes and what happened this morning, I walked straight home and started working on a project for class. I was an art major. I currently had a canvas sat on a standing easel with a mess of acrylic paint tubes obscurely placed around the tarp on my floor. I had been at it for a couple of hours, creating an up-close detailed painting of a woman's green eye. I was incredibly proud of this one so far but it was 2:30 in the morning and I was getting very hungry. I placed my paintbrush in the cup of water on my desk and attempted to rub some dried paint off of my cheek, eventually giving up and walking quietly to the kitchen. I only turned on the light above the stove. I took out a bowl from the cabinet, trying to make as little noise as possible as I assumed everyone else was asleep at this time due to us having school tomorrow. I had on baby pink velvet short shorts and a white lacy bralette. 

"What are you doing out here with so little fabric on?" I hear Oikawa's question from behind me, "You live with a bunch of college boys remember?" I guess I assumed wrong.

"Um...making ramen?" I didn't turn around but I felt his warm breath on the back of my bare neck, "I thought everyone was asleep already. Why aren't you?"

"What you said today had been keeping me up, (Y/N)." He let out a slight sigh, "It hurt a lot that you think so little of me when I think highly of you." 

I turned around, my face only a couple of inches from the pretty brunets, "Y-you think highly of me?..."

"Yes. I thought you were a friend to me." He was staring deep into my eyes. His chocolate brown ones were gorgeous, "But you think I'm nothing but a low life still. But I had changed. The end of last year actually. But you wouldn't look past my old self to see that." he looked beyond hurt. I really messed up.

"Oikawa I..." I closed my eyes and sighed

He placed his hands on the counter on either side of me, "You what (Y/N)?" he whispered gently into my ear.

"I was scared." I finally admitted, " I was scared of getting attached and you just using me."

" I could never (Y/N)" Oikawa gently connected his lips to mine. I thought he said a friend?!  But I couldn't bring myself to pull away. I placed my hands gently on his chest as he moved his to my waist. His lips were sweet soft, they were addicting. His lips moved in perfect rhythm with mine. My hands slowly made their way upwards, running my fingers through the soft, brown, fluffy mess on top of his head. I let out a small grunt of satisfaction to which he responded similarly. What was happening? Did he even know? To be honest I didn't really care at this point. All I cared about was his addicting, baby pink lips that were as smooth as butter. I completely lost control. I pressed my body against his harder. His hand made its way up to my hair, grabbing a fist-full of (your h/c) hair. 

"Oh... Oikawa whos your friend?" Nishinoya asked from the doorway as Oikawa gently pressed my head to his chest, both of us trying to catch our breath.

"No one you know Noya!" my make-out partner spat out, "Why don't you go to your room please?"

"Wait....(Y/N)?!" Nishinoya's sounded angry and I was terrified, "IDE KNOW THAT TINY BUTTERFLY TATTOO ON YOUR ANKLE ANYWHERE!!!!"

Oikawa sighed and took a step back, "S-sorry Noya..."

"YOU SAID YOU WHERE GONNA TALK TO HER NOT SUCK HER FACE OFF!!!" Noya grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the hallway.

"Nishinoya Yuu I am a grown-ass woman I make my own decisions!!!" I demanded

"Not tonight you don't!!!" the shorter man said, pushing me into my room, slamming the door shut, and placing a chair outside of it, "Oikawa Tooru get your ASS in your room!!!!"

"Y-yes, sir!!!!" I heard Oikawa race down the hallway

"What the hell just happened?!" I heard Bokuto exclaim

"That little shit locked me in my room!!!" I shouted from behind my own door

"Because she and Tooru were sneaking around having a face-sucking competition in the kitchen!!!!!"

"Oh, that's gold!!!" Bokuto shouted, letting out a gut-busting laugh.

"Yuu?" I said through gritted teeth

"Yes?~" Noya spoke in a sing-song tone.

"I'll end you for this." I smirked with a little chuckle, "And I swear by that."

"Oh, good luck with that." Bokuto sounded worried, "I'll start planning your funeral..."

"I think that's a good idea..." I heard Noya gulp, "I'm gonna need it."

Authors Note

This chapter is very short but very amusing and IMPORTANT!!!! Your relationship to a turn with Oikawa!!! This chapter also shows your type of friendship with Nishinoya!!! Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed and laughed at this chapter! It was so fun for me to write!!

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