Fourteen - Almost Domestic Mornings

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Before we start: if i wrote an IwaOi fic would you guys read it :)......aslo....GET UR HOLY WATER READY :))))) THIS CHAPTERS A DOOSY


"Oikawa.." I sheepishly let the name slip through my lips, "You're my home too."

"Really?!" The brunet exclaimed, pulling me out from behind the counter gently.

"Yes!" I replied, gently connecting our lips, "Wanna stay the night?"

"Of course Starlight." We made our way up the stairs and into my bedroom. Yachi left earlier this evening to visit her parents since spring break was about to start. I walked over to my dresser, pulling out a pair of grey sweat pants I had stolen from Tenaka years ago at a sleepover with Saeko, Kiyoko, and Yachi. 

I crawled into bed as Oikawa changed clothes in the bathroom, scrolling through my phone as I waited. After a few minutes, he walked back into the room and crawled in next to me. I picked up the remote and looked over at him, "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Of course Starlight." He replied, a sleepy tone in his voice. I handed him the remote and watched as he scrolled through the horror options, landing on 'Hush'. He really likes his horror films, doesn't he...I scooted about an inch closer to Oikawa, not wanting to seem like too much of a baby. My eyes were glued to the screen as the Deaf main character walked around her cabin in the woods, unaware her friend was just murdered outside. The killer positioned himself at the door and I felt my heart race faster. A few minutes later and he was on the offense. The killer jumped out and I launched myself into Oikawa's chest, not realizing he had fallen asleep. 

"(Y/N) what's going on are you okay?!" He exclaimed in a half-asleep and distressed manner as he placed his hand on the back of my head.

"Scary..." I mumbled into his bare chest, a tear welling up in my eye.

"Oh Starlight I'm so sorry," He explained, pulling me in closer, "I didn't mean to fall asleep. But nothings going to hurt you. I'm right here to protect you." 

I buried my face deeper into Oikawa's chest as he gently caressed my head. I had craved all of our domestic interactions while we were apart. The little things he would do were what attracted me to him. He was a sweet and caring person who put up a wall to protect himself from getting hurt, yet for some reason, he let me in.

I slowly fell asleep to the rhythm of Oikawa's heartbeat. It was steady and calming. It sounded just as pretty as his voice. I let myself slip off into dreams of what tomorrow and the years after would bring to us. I dreamt of having a life with Oikawa. We would have a house together, a cat and dog, both equally loving, and maybe a couple of kids.




I slowly opened my eyes to see rays of morning sunlight cut through the curtains. The air had a comforting warmness to it. Like this cheap apartment really was home. I slowly rolled over to realize a particular brunet was missing. I slowly got out of bed, slipping on a pair of shorts immediately after. I checked the bathroom, empty. I made my way back into the bedroom, a delicious smell filling the air. I opened the bedroom door and the aroma got stronger. He must be in the kitchen. I slowly crept down the hallway, trying not to make any noise. I peaked my head around the corner, looking into the kitchen to find the brunet at the stove.

"Good morning Starlight." He called out with a smug look on his face. 

"How did you know I was there?" I questioned

"The room felt happier." He simply replied.

I strode over to him, wrapping my arms around his torso from the back, "Good morning Handsome." I attempted to peak around his arm but he was too beefy for me to reach, "What's for breakfast?" 

"Pancakes with fresh fruit and syrup!" Oikawa answered

"Ooh yay!" 

"Oh, the boys and I were going to go to the amusement park later today!" The brunet said with a sparkling grin as he poured more batter into the pan, "Would you like to come with us?"

"Sure but only if you pick out my outfit!" I bartered

"Of course baby" He spun around and gave me a pack on the forehead.

'Wait" I said with a giggle, "Baby?"

"What you don't like it?" He asked as he used his pinky to sweep a strand of hair out of my face.

"No no I do!" I reassured him, "But isn't that what people who are dating call each other?"

His face quickly scrunched up into a pout, "Well what if I had plans to ask you and you've kerfuffled them now?"

"Oh no!" I exclaimed, taking a step back, "I mean I don't know anything call me whatever you would like!!"

The smile returned to his face, "I do have plans you just can't know about them Starlight." 

"Okay," I replied, waiting until He plated the last pancake to hug him again. We made our way to the table with our bounties of food, softly conversing as we stuffed our faces with the deliciously prepared pancakes. They were perfect, thick and fluffy, sweet and slightly sticky due to the syrup, and the fruit made an outstanding flavor accent. I let out a breathy moan of enjoyment only to meet eyes with an extremely flustered Oikawa afterword, "What?"

"I-.. that..that was..." he gulped, eyes wide open like a deer caught in headlights, "K-kinda h-hot"

"Oh?" I said in a teasing manner, a smug grin on my face.

"What's that look for..." He nervously asked, sitting straight up in his seat

I scooped another bite in my mouth, making a similar sound to before, "Oikawa!!" I let out in a breathy, melodic tone, bating my lip for extra effect, "It's so soo good!!"

"(Y/N)!!!" He exclaimed, "Quit being such a tease!"

"But it's so good!!" I exclaimed, standing up and walking over to the boy.

I placed my face about an inch away from his. His breath was warm but the scent was sweet. The gap between his breaths quickly decreased as he got more and more nervous, a little friend of his growing with every passing second. 

"But that will have to wait." I flicked the tip before making my way to my room, watching him wince at the slight pain, "Come pick out my outfit handsome!"

'You....." he paused for a moment, "You kinky tease! How long do I have to wait?!" 

"I dunno," I replied with a giggle as the brunet waddled his way into my room, "Until I say so!"

'You're mean.." He said with a pout.

"Thank you."


HAHA YA"LL THOUGHT!!! It's not happening that easily. But I already know when it's happening and exactly how long the scene is because I wrote it MONTHS ago. You're welcome for the suspense >:) Anyway I really do want to write an IwaOi fic. They are one of my favorite ships in the show so feel like I could come up with a good story for them. Anyway this chapter was really fun to write! And I absolutely LOVE all the comments you guys keep leaving! Ive never had the best mental health but they have actually been helping a lot! Thank you all so much! Also this was VERY unedited! Luca Out!!!

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