Eighteen - I'll always love you.

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EDIT - Make sure your comment isn't insensitive. Looking through some of the comments made me sick. I understand if you have a fear of being pregnant, and I'm sorry if this chapter made you uncomfortable due to that but to those of you who were just being rude, If I ever see a comment so insensitive as that again from you I won't hesitate to block you. A lot of people's mental health is ruined bc of that. I like to use events that really happen in my books so people can connect with them. Don't be insensitive about it.

Hello!! Welcome to the final chapter of The Dorms! I just wanted to say thank you all so so much! You all gave me the confidence to write freely. You all also helped me threw a little bit of a dark time! I appreciate it so much more then you guys could ever know. You all really mean the world to me and I love you so so much! Without further ado, please enjoy the final chapter!

Your POV

It had been about three weeks since the amusement park incident and Oikawa and I had kept our fingers crossed for a new addition to our nonofficial family. We scheduled a doctor's appointment to see how everything was going to play out. I had gotten up two hours earlier than Oikawa due to my excitement. The thought of having a family with him was something I was looking forward to. Oikawa was an amazing guy and it was very obvious he would be an outstanding father. I closed my eyes as I took a sip of warm tea, paying close attention to the socks scooting down the hallway. "Goodmorning sleepy bear."

"Good morning, Starlight." Oikawa replied, planing a big warm kiss on my temple, "You made breakfast for everyone?"

"Yup yup!" I cooed, "Figured I'd let Akaashi sleep in for once since he practically lives here now."

"That's sweet of you baby," he said as he shoved a folded pancake into his mouth.

One by one each member of the household made their way to the kitchen and common area, Akaashi and Kenma being the last ones to arrive.

"Thank you for letting me sleep in, (Y/N)." Akashi's groggy voice filled the room as he made his way to his energetic boyfriend, "I haven't slept that well in years."

"Anytime." I replied, "I enjoy making breakfast for everyone!"

Edit - (I'm tired of seeing inconsiderate comments. If I see another one on the topic below I will delete it, blocks following after. I warned you all. idgaf any more I'll ruin the continuity. Read the paragraph at the top.)

Once everyone had eaten and gotten dressed Oikawa and I headed out. The train ride to the doctor's office was nerve-racking. I couldn't stop wondering if it was going to be a girl or a boy, if it was going to be twins or even triplets! The baby fever was getting to me bad. Once we arrived at the hospital we checked in a made our way to the room. I put on a gown and the nurse applied the ultrasound gell to my stomach. I looked over at Oikawa and smiled, unprepared for what was about to happen. Both of our excitement grew bigger and bigger until...

"So there's a problem..." The nurse nervously announced.

"What do you mean problem?!" I blurt out, panic taking form in my voice.

"For whatever reason, your uteri are stunted." The nurse replied as she turned to me, a gloomy look painted across her face.

"What does that mean?" Oikawa asked as his grip tightened around my hand, "What is that a problem?"

"It means (Y/N) won't be able to have children." The nurse swallowed hard, knowing that statement could break a woman's heart.

"No no no!" Oikawa insisted, "You have to be wrong!"

"No sir, I'm positive." She gently replied, "She will never be able to bear a child."

I felt my heart sink, my gut churn, and my head start to ace. I was never going to have a family with Oikawa. I stared blankly at the floor as the nurse wrapped up our visit, only speaking when I absolutely had to. This was real. This was really happening. I held my tears in until I made it into our bedroom, locking the door behind me before Oikawa could get in.

He knocked on the door softly, "Please let me in Starlight." He pleaded, "Let me comfort you."

"I don't want to be comforted!" I shouted, "I want a family!"

My sobs grew harder and harder with each passing minute until I finally cried myself to sleep. At least in my dreams, we could have a family together.




I only got a couple of hours of sleep before Oikawa bust into the room, "Starlight wake up!!!" He exclaimed, "I have a surprise for you!!"

"A surprise? I mumbled, rolling over to face him. I hadn't even opened my eyes before I felt a tongue drag across my face, its breath smelled disgusting, "what the fuck?!?"

"No bad girl!" Oikawa exclaimed. Did he just call me a bad girl?

My eyes slowly opened to see an Akita puppy sitting in front of me, "OH MY GOD!!!" I squealed, sitting up and quickly scooping up the adorable dog, "What's this for?!"

"Well.." Oikawa rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I thought this might help you be a little less sad..." My heart dropped at the memories of this morning, he really did care enough to go to this extent for me, "We can still take care of her like we would a child until we get married.."

I felt hot tears begin to flow down my cheeks, "I love you so so much Oikawa!!"

He quickly climbed onto the bed, holding both me and the puppy in his arms. I had never felt safer around anyone in my entire life. Oikawa was my home. He would be until both of our lives ran out. He was mine forever. And together...

we would live...





So I know this chapter is really short but I didnt really know how to finish this book. Either way I really hope you all enjoyed!! I will be starting a new xreader very very soon and it is........Demon Kuroo AU!!!! I know when I mentioned this a lot of people where excited! Ill send out an alert when that drops but itshould definately be by monday!! Also i just really wanted to say I love you all again!! You really didi help me so much! Ill never be able to thank you guys enough!

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