Four - Bad Morning

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Your POV


My alarm was going off again. I groggily stretched my arm over to my birchwood nightstand to turn the blaring machine off, sitting up in bed. A strong sleepy arm extended and wrapped around my waist. What the hell?  My head darted in the direction said appendage was coming from to see a certain brown-haired boy laying in my bed. I was about to smack him but something about his peaceful face told me I shouldn't. I leaned back against my headboard, running my fingers through Oikawa's hair gently as to not wake him up. His hair was just soft as it looked. I felt myself getting lost in the gentle expression on his face. I don't think I had ever seen someone look so peaceful before. Wait, this is exactly what he wanted! I pinched his ear knowing it would wake anyone up.

"Ow!!!" the brunet exclaimed, "What the hell was that for!?"

"Why are you in my bed?" I spat out in a harsh tone

"You fell asleep watching the movie last night!" He began to explain, "When I brought you into bed you grabbed onto the collar of my shirt!! I said you needed to let go but you shook your head saying you were scared, then you pulled me into bed with you!"

I don't even remember saying any of that, "No way!" I replied

"Yes you did (Y/N)! Nishinoya was even in here trying to get you to let go!" he admitted, "You refused!"

"Yeah right!" I marched my way to Noya's bedroom, opening the door to him gigging at a video of Asahi.

"You alright (Y/N)?" Noya asked

"No!" I glared, "He's lying right?! I didn't refuse to let go of him!"

"No, he's right." I felt my face getting hotter at those words, "You refused to let go of him saying 'I need a cute boy to protect me' in your sleep"

"Well, then I must have been having a dream about someone else!" I shouted, "I would never think an egotistical ass hole was cute! He's rude and wants every girl to like him just so he can play with their emotions! I've heard all about him!"

"That's all you think of me (Y/N)...?" Oikawa mumbled from the doorway, I could tell just by his voice that I had hurt him, but I knew it was an act! It had to be! He just wanted to use me like all the girls he used in high school and his first year of college.

"That's all you are!" I said pushing past him and walking into my room, locking the door behind me.


I felt my heart drop as those words spilled out of (Y/N)'s mouth. That's really all she thought of me? I'm such an idiot! I had stopped being that arrogant, selfish, egotistical guy at the end of last year when my best friend, Iwa-Chan, said I was hurting people and needed to clean up my act. And to think, I was catching feelings for such a beautiful young woman. I mean (Y/N) was caring, kind, smart, absolutely gorgeous, and the strongest person I've seen...and she hates me, down to the last hair on my head. I slowly picked up my feet and trudged to my own bedroom, not even bothering to go back for the shirt I had left wadded up on her floor. I hesitantly thumbed through my closet, stopping on a hoodie from high school, I didn't feel like putting on a dress shirt with a sweater over it like I usually would for school. I threw on a pair of sneakers as well. Even with a heavy heart, the anger inside of me grew and grew. It made me feel sick so instead of eating I went straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth, holing back tears. Why did what she said hurt me so bad? She obviously didn't feel the same way about me as I did to her. She's just some stupid girl! but the same thing happened last time. 

"Hey, Oikawa wanna walk to class together?" Nishinoya suggested

"Sure," I replied, "let me grab my bag" I picked up my black cross body backpack and made my way to the door, Noya in toe.

"So..." He started


"It hurt you didn't it?" He didn't look at me, his eyes faced forward.

i took a deep breath in, letting out a sober sigh as well, "Yeah." I admitted

"Why?" The shorter boy questioned

"I've caught feelings for your dear friend Nishinoya," I explained, " Real, genuine, passionate feelings. I would do anything for her."

"You barely know her very well, correct?"

"I don't need to know her anymore than I do to feel this way," I stopped dead in my tracks, looking Nishinoya dead in the eyes, "When she's around I'm happier, the sky seems brighter, colors are more vibrant, music sounds prettier and I feel like I don't need anyone else's validation but hers. But she....she," I choked, tears brimming up in my eyes again, "She hates me."

"She's scared." I think Nishinoya was trying to comfort me.


"She's heard of all the awful ways you played girls in the past," he informed me

"Oh..." I paused, remembering the old way I was, "That all started after someone I cared very very deeply for left, I wanted validation in any way I could get it. The easiest way being to use girls' hearts. I'm beyond ridiculously ashamed of my actions.  What I did was inexcusable."

"You really mean that?" He was staring me directly into my eyes now, as to catch any sign of me lying.

"Yes." a faint frown forming on my lips, "I would do anything for a second chance."



Authors Note

Oh my gosh hello!!! I'm so so sorry that this chapter is so short!!!! But hey.....MORE ANGST!!!! I absolutely love writing angst and dark backstories! Also, this chapter is VERY unedited!!! But I hope you all enjoyed it!!!

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