Two - First Day

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Your POV


I smack my hand across the top of my blaring alarm clock. Its 8 o'clock in the morning of my first day of collage! Noya told me last night that most of the boys have morning classes. Noya, Asahi, Kuroo, Oikawa, and myself being the only ones who took strictly afternoon and night time classes. 

I place my bare feet on the cold hardwood floor of my room, groggily standing up. I walk over to my dresser and throw on a pair of heather grey Nike shorts and a powder blue form-fitting crop top. I grab a hair tie off the top of my dresser and pile my hair on top of my head in a messy bun. My stomach growls loudly so I decide to make my way to the kitchen. I turn the knob on my door, pushing it open. I take a few steps and bump into a warm, hard surface. I open my eyes to see soft, pale skin laying under my finger tips. This is going to be great.

The person I bumped into wraps their hands around my waist and lowers their lips roughly an inch away from my ear, "You should watch where you're going next time, (Y/n)." Oikawa whispered seductively.

I snapped out of my trance, pushing the boy off of me, "My apologies, your highness." I rolled my eyes and strolled to the kitchen. I could feel his eyes looking me up and down. I fixed two bowls of captain crunch and carried them carefully to Noya's room. I knock a couple of times with no answer. I looked down the hall way to see Asahi's door ajar. I realized exactly where he was. I gently knocked on the door hoping one of them was awake.

"Come in." I heard Asahi's hushed voice reply. I pushed open the door gently to see Asahi laying shirtless in bed with Noya's head on his shoulder, "Oh (y/n). What's up?"

"Not much," I shrugged, "Made you guys breakfast. But uh.. what's going on here?" 

" Oh the big thunder storm scared Noya last night and he came to my door shaking." Asahi let his arm lay on Noya's back, "I told him he could stay in here for the night if he wanted and i woke up with him in my arms." Nishanoya had always been afraid of thunderstorms, ever since we where kids.

"That's sweet of you." I softly smiled, "Anyway i made you guys breakfast!" I said for fitting my bowl to be nice.

"Thank you (Y/n)!" Asahi looked as though he was nervous to wake up the sleeping Noya

"Hey fuck ass wake up or ill eat your breakfast." I stated

"You're fuckin funny!" Noya said with a grumpy expression on his face as he sat up, "Gimmy!"

I handed each of the boys their bowls, "whelp ill leave you two to your cuddling session."

As I made my way back to the kitchen I heard Oikawa and Kuroo's voices. I entered the room glancing at Kuroo but not even daring to look at the brunet standing across from him.

"Good morning." Kuroo greets me

"Morning Kuroo."

"Good morning Gorgeous." Oikawa added slyly


"I said good morning gorgeous." He awkwardly smiled.

"I heard you." I said as i sat on the counter, taking a bite of a fresh apple.

"You aren't gonna say it back?" He asked, annoyance rising in his voice.

"Not after that stunt you pulled this morning." I shot a glare in his direction.

"Oooh what happened?!" Kuroo seemed intrigued

"I walked out of my room straight in to his ba-"

"My deepest apologies for this morning!!" Oikawa cut me off, "I was still half asleep and obviously not thinking clearly!" he smiled 

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