The naïve alchemist and the stranger

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VARIAN was walking though old corona, he was getting a ton of dirty looks, VARIAN didn't seem to notice he was just cheerfully walking down the road when this man walked up to him and said "you there young fellow, do you think you can help me? I'm in need of directions!" "Oh of course where are you heading?" VARIAN asked more than willing to help this strangely dressed man, he was wearing this weird armor, and had an axe that had a weird symbol on it a circle with three lines, the weird man answered saying "I'm looking for were my son lives." VARIAN just asks "who is your son?" "Oh I'm pretty sure he goes by the name Flynn Rider!" The weird man said

"Do you mean EUGENE, the princess boyfriend?" VARIAN ask him."yes" the strange man answered "well I know them I can take you there if you want!" VARIAN offered "that would be most helpful, thank you uhhh what's your name?" The man asked. And the young alchemist answered "VARIAN sir!" The strange man said "nice to meet you Varian, I'm king Edmond!" VARIAN's face widened and quickly bowed and said "oh your highness, I'm so sorry I didn't realize you wer.." "that's quite alright lad, you don't have to bow!" Edmond said

VARIAN stood up and Edmond helped him get on Domino "have you ever ridden a horse before?" Edmond asked "No sir, my dad and I don't have one!" VARIAN responded. Then Edmond said "I'll have to teach you then!" Edmond said then he said this quietly "all though what kind of father doesn't teach his son important stuff like that?" VARIAN hears him but ignores it


VARIAN had learned a lot about riding on the way to the castle. And Edmond learned things about the boy he was training, like no one likes him because he has a bad habit of blowing up the village, he's the only alchemist in corona, he's father is the leader of his village, and that he's friends with his son and his friends! As they were crossing the bridge that was in the capital the king and the alchemist heard a Familiar voice "this ends now!" Rapunzel says while stopping a horse from running over ducks, the turn she made flinged Eugene out of the cart attached to previously mentioned horse "AHHHHHHH!" EUGENE yelled while falling "EUGENE" Rapunzel yelled, she then attached hair to a cart and EUGENE bounced off of her hair and on to the concrete

"Nice save but she's really got to work on that landing!" EUGENE said still laying there intel he sees VARIAN who offers him his hand and asks "are you ok,Eugene?" "Oh just peachy!" EUGENE resounded as he took VARIAN's hand. When he finally stood up, VARIAN said "Actually kind of funny that we ran into you!" EUGENE looked at the kid and said "We?" "Hello son!" Edmond said still on Domino, RAPUNZEL walked over and said "Edmond? It's so nice to see you! What brings you to corona?"

Edmond answers "oh I came to give something to my son, but then I got lost, lucky for me I ran into variant!" "It's Varian!" EUGENE corrected him "so what's this thing you want to give Eugene?" RAPUNZEL asked with excitement in her voice. Edmond got off of Domino and pulled a box out of his bag and handed it to EUGENE and said "After are unfortunate run in recently, I wanted to insure you got this, it's a priceless heirloom that has been passed down for generations!" EUGENE opens the box and RAPUNZEL says "pretty!" And VARIAN studies it because he recognized that symbol, and Edmond says "it's are family sash!" Before EUGENE could say something snarky VARIAN asked "what is this symbol? It looks familiar!" "Oh that my boy is the symbol of the dark kingdom!" And VARIAN was just about to asked more but RAPUNZEL butted in "um varian we should probably get you home before your father worries." She says trying to keep her word to Quirin "um your highness you had a long journey how about you stay at the castle for the night?" "Oh no I really shouldn't!" Edmond says and Eugene agrees saying "yeah no he really shouldn't!" RAPUNZEL just says "I insist! I'll have one of the maids get your room ready as soon as I get back!" Then EUGENE says "blondie, I can take Varian back home, besides someone's got to have a conversation with him about the importance of not talking to strangers!" RAPUNZEL responds "fine who am I to split up team awesome!" With that Edmond And RAPUNZEL head to the castle and VARIAN and EUGENE head to old Corona. EUGENE came back after dropping VARIAN off and sat on a part of the roof of the castle!


Well I'm pretty sure y'all know what happeneds next! If you don't watch return of the king!

The next chapter is going to be another episode VARIAN wasn't in but will be!

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