You never said anything about old friends who turned evil

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Cassandra was walking in the tunnels, somehow her ghost friend had found out where RAPUNZEL was hiding the scroll and who was protecting it, she was a little shocked! VARIAN was a smart kid! Why on earth would he be helping RAPUNZEL after everything that had happened? 'Well I'm about to find out' she thought

She walked into the demanitus chamber to see VARIAN and his raccoon just chilling looking at some metal (she could tell that they were all different kinds but she couldn't tell which one was which) but he quickly noticed her

"Cassie?" He said as she walked down the stairs she was about to say something witty but he ran up to her and gave her a hug.

"I was hoping that I would see you again!" He said with a big smile on his face.

Cass was shocked and confused. What's gotten into him? Last time she saw him he almost KILLED Her!

"I haven't seen you since the expo!" He said. Then CASSANDRA caught on to what had happened and why he was naïve enough to help RAPUNZEL! He had lost some of his memory! "Uh yeah, um I have been busy on Uh doing a project!" She said hoping she didn't sound suspicious

VARIAN didn't seem to think she did.

"So um nice hair color! I tried dying my hair once so I didn't have my blue hair stripe but it didn't work!" He said.

"Uh yeah um can we just get to the reason I'm here?" CASSANDRA asked hoping he would agree.

"Oh of course! Sorry Uh What brings you here?" VARIAN said.

"I'm here for the scroll!" She stated.

"What? No RAPUNZEL let me translate it I'm almost done you can have it after though!" VARIAN said.

CASSANDRA considered her options intel she heard her ghost friend say "you do need it translated so that you can use it against RAPUNZEL! Let the boy do it for you!"

Of course VARIAN didn't hear that!

"Alright! You don't mind if I stay and watch you do you?" CASSANDRA asked.

"Oh no I'm almost done all I have left is to write it down! I had already discovered the translation key!" He said as he when back to work

It only took him a few minutes to write it down! As soon as he was done he showed CASSANDRA the paper!

"I think we should probably make sure it works somewhere else, because well there's a lot of dangerous stuff down here so... got any ideas?" VARIAN asked and CASSANDRA smile as confirmation


"YOU DID WHAT?" Hector yelled. He was extremely MAD at his brother! When he agreed to have this meeting with him he had no idea what would happen! But this was ridiculous!

"Can you keep your voice down you'll wake up the neighborhood!" Quirin said with a quiet voice.

"HOW CAN YOU EXPECT ME TO QUIET WHEN YOUR LYING TO YOUR SON?" Hector said not changing From yelling to talking.

Quirin crossed his arms and glared at him

"Fine!" Hector said in a normal Voice "But why would you hide this from him!" Hector was trying his best not to raise his voice

"I'm doing what's best for him, I'm keeping him safe from the truth that is reality!" Quirin said.

"Quirin your only Pro logging the inevitable, his going to find out that you kept not only your past from him but his own!" Hector said trying to help his brother see reason.

"Hector, how I raise my son is none of your concern!" Quirin said getting sick of the conversation

"Fine! But at least let me have a relationship with him, after all he is my nephew!" Hector said hoping for at least that

"Fine when he gets back, you can send some time with him as long as you don't talk about the past!" Quirin said.

"Get back? From where?" Hector asked

"Well the princess said that he was going into self-isolation for five weeks to translate the demanitus scroll!" Quirin said as if it wasn't a big deal Hector was mad again and started yelling



"Wow the rocks hit here pretty hard uh?" VARIAN said looking around the hidden place where the Tower use to be! CASSANDRA ignored him

"So what is the incantation?" CASSANDRA asked getting straight to the point!

VARIAN handed her the paper with the translation on it

~ Crescent high above~

She make some of the rocks move she stopped in astonishment! He actually translated it! She knew he was smart but this was way beyond her expectations

"Cassandra make yourself a strong hold here and make the boy your prisoner!" The ghost girl said

CASSANDRA thought about it and then after deciding she started again but louder



VARIAN watch in awe as CASSANDRA was making a beautiful tower of black rocks



Little did VARIAN know what he just did was extremely stupid and the kingdom will suffer because of this!


The whole kingdom shook


It was so tall you could see it from the castle



The tower was finished

~LEt darkness grow~

A glowing ring of blue expanded as she finished it

CASSANDRA looked over at VARIAN

"Do you want to see the inside?" She asked

VARIAN smile widened and CASSANDRA nodded leading in the young alchemist

And as they both entered she blocked the entrance so he couldn't leave.


RAPUNZEL and EUGENE ran though the tunnels hoping to get there in time to stop VARIAN from doing anything stupid! They hadn't even thought about telling VARIAN about cass! It didn't seem necessary! But as they got to the demanitus chamber they regretted there mistake even more! The ground started shaking, so RAPUNZEL and EUGENE ran back upstairs only to see a big tower make out of black rocks!

"Man I hate birthdays!" EUGENE said.


Man hector is maddddd!

And he doesn't know that his nephew had been taken by a crazy person!!


I wonder what adira would say about all this!

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