A rescue mission

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"Ok so here's the plan, Quirin and rapunzel will district short hair by try to make her see reason, while me and hector will sneak up behind and get Quirin's son out of here. Any questions?" Adira said with her usual calm voice.

"Oh yes, just one I couldn't help but notice the lack of me in your plan!" EUGENE stated a little offended

"Oh I forgot about you fishskin! Um you can go with my brother and Rapunzel!" Adira said.

EUGENE eye rolled Adira it was bad enough that she was here now she's forgotten about the most handsomest part of the team.

"Eugene focus! This is about varian, we are all a little stressed, and adira didn't mean to forget you! Right Adira?" Rapunzel said hoping it would cheer up her boyfriend.

"Of course I didn't mean to forget you, I'm not sorry that I did but it wasn't intended!" Adira said (because boy is that girl honest)

"What? Why y.... you know what let's just do this so I don't have to be around you people anymore!" EUGENE said clearly very annoyed with the whole situation.


As they made it to the top, RAPUNZEL, Eugene, And Quirin entered while hector and adira waited right outside the entrance.

They all look around the room, when EUGENE saw something weird lying on the ground. He walked up to it and gasped!

"Varian? VARIAN!" EUGENE said trying to wake up his friend he Shook him but VARIAN didn't react.

Quirin looked around the room hoping he was wrong about what was wrong with his son when he found it.

VARIAN's sleeping chemical!

The one he hadn't fix yet! (Which was the reason he took it with him in the first place)

"Eugene, that's not going to work!" Quirin said showing EUGENE the empty vile! EUGENE slowly put VARIAN back on the ground in defeat! "Oh VARIAN, why didn't we just tell you in the First place? None of this would have happened if we did!" Rapunzel said.

"Good news is that he also took the vile that can fix it we just need his bag!" Quirin said trying to make it better.

"Oh you mean this?" A voice in the shadows said.

They all look over to see CASSANDRA with VARIAN's bag


Adira just banged her head against a wall. 'Why did I think hector would listen to a plan that wasn't his own' she thought.

"Oh is that so?" CASSANDRA said as she grabbed the vile they needed and almost dropped it on purpose.

"Cass please, Varian has done nothing to deserve this!" Rapunzel said pleading with her hoping that she will make the right decision.

"Oh and almost killed me with that atomaton was nothing?" CASSANDRA said while making the rocks rap around VARIAN like rope.

VARIAN groaned in pain but remained unconscious.

"VARIAN!" EUGENE said as the rocks pulled VARIAN to CASSANDRA!

"But in his defense he did help me with controlling my power!" CASSANDRA said grinning wickedly

"Here's his bag!" She kicked it across the floor but kept the one vile that could help him.

"Cass please! He doesn..." RAPUNZEL started but got interrupted

"Doesn't remember what he's done? Oh yes I know that's why he's going to be so hurt to wake up and be told everything that you have failed to!" CASSANDRA said as she stated to open the vile.

"NO!" Both Quirin and RAPUNZEL said praying that it would stop her.

CASSANDRA was just about to pour it down the throat when EUGENE grab a piece of paper out of VARIAN's bag and gasped!

Another incantation!

"RAPUNZEL,LOOK!" EUGENE yelled getting everyone's attention and temporarily stopping CASSANDRA!

"Another incarnation? How th- VARIAN" RAPUNZEL said while taking the incarnation from EUGENE and starts reading

~power of the sun~

~gift me with your light~

~shine into the dark~

~restore are fading sight~

RAPUNZEL's hair and eyes started glowing yellow

And Cassandra was throwing as many rocks as she could trying to get her to stop

~rise into the dawn~

~Blazing stars so BRIGHT~

RAPUNZEL's hair lifted her off the ground

~burn away the strife~

~let my hope ignite~

~Let hope ignite~

CASSANDRA and RAPUNZEL were fighting for awhile. Hector went downstairs hoping to find something that could free his nephew. But he made it to a part of the tower where you could see the outside. Then he heard screaming from the top!

It was his nephew's name!

He looked up and saw him falling.

Hector caught his unconscious nephew. "Man you get in a lot of trouble! Don't you kid?" Hector said relived that he was alive.


They put VARIAN in a bed at the castle before they gave him the chemical to wake him up!

The chemical works almost immediately. VARIAN slowly opened his eyes and looks around

"Cass?" VARIAN called when he couldn't see the person that he last saw

"Cassandra's not here, Varian!" Rapunzel said simply hoping that would be enough for VARIAN.

"Where is she then? What happened?" VARIAN asked now a little scared.

"After you got cut, Cassandra brought you to the castle!" Quirin said. And hector and adira glared at him. There not surprised, Quirin has always been like this but that.

"hey kiddo, it's late maybe you should stay here the night and in the morning pack up your stuff then go home!" EUGENE said.

"But what about the scroll? I translated it! I wanted to show you guys an-" VARIAN said before getting interrupted.

"Cass already showed us the translations hair stripe!" Adira said.

"That doesn't matter right now son, just try to get some rest ok?" Quirin said.

VARIAN was tired so he just nodded.

Everyone left the room so VARIAN could sleep peacefully.


Meanwhile deep beneath the castle

"Ugh are we there yet because it feels like you're going the wrong direction!" A tall man in a hood said.

They have been down there for hours, and they haven't found it yet!

"It's right around the corner you big baby." A female in a hood said.

"Guys I found it!" A shorter male in a hood said.

Then the other to saw it the demanitus chamber!

"Let's get to work!" The female said.


Oooooo another cliffhanger!!!!

It's not like a naïve alchemist is gonna go down there in the morning or anything! 

Oh wait!

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