Wolfhunters and angry mobs

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Well here's chapter 4!! Originally I was going to do  "who's afraid of the big bad wolf?" In one chapter but then it was just getting too long so now it's in two!!! And something I have learned, if you want Characters to sound in character just quote the show!


"And then adira told us that the rocks were leading us to the dark kingdom!" RAPUNZEL said to VARIAN. It had been a week since VARIAN talk to Edmond and she thought it was a great time to tell VARIAN how they met Edmond and the amazing Journey that got them there. "The dark kingdom? Well I hoped you guys packed your torches!" VARIAN said with a smug grin. Then RAPUNZEL resounded saying "that's what I said." Smiling back at him. Before she could continue EUGENE walked in with two little girls that VARIAN didn't know "Hey blondie, look who I found!" EUGENE said as the three of them walk over to where RAPUNZEL and VARIAN where talking, RAPUNZEL jumped out of her Seat running and hug the girls

"Oh it's so nice to see you again." RAPUNZEL said then pulled out of the hug and turned to VARIAN and said "VARIAN this is red and angry, angry and red this is VARIAN!" "It's a pleasure to meet you!" VARIAN said to the younger girls. One of them (angry) rolled her eyes! Then RAPUNZEL asked"what are you guys doing in corona?" "Well me and red have decided to move to corona!" Angry said. "That's awesome girls! Here let's go get you two settled in." RAPUNZEL said while they exited the room, VARIAN not that far behind! While they were walking down the halls one of the guards that was assigned to watch over the construction of old corona run towards them yelling out for RAPUNZEL! "Robin? What's wrong?" RAPUNZEL asked worried about the Answer. "Your highness some animal attacked old corona last night, and there's a woman who wants to see you about it, she calms to be a werewolf hunter!" VARIAN laughs at that " there's no such thing as werewolves!" VARIAN said. But RAPUNZEL just resounded "thank you Robin, EUGENE help red and angry get settled in, VARIAN and I will go talk to this werewolf hunter!" EUGENE nodded and lead the girls to there room, little did he notice Red's face was full of fear! But VARIAN did! Before he could say anything though RAPUNZEL grabbed his arm, forcing him to follow Robin


As they were following Robin, VARIAN notice that people were glaring at him he didn't understand why but he decided that it would be better if he waited intel later to ask RAPUNZEL about it! They walk into the dining hall where a weird woman was sitting, the strange woman stood as soon as RAPUNZEL walked in. "Greetings your highness, I'm Captain Creighton world class big tractor, at your service!" The woman said. "It's nice to meet you Captain this is VARIAN, and what brings you to Corona?" RAPUNZEL said and VARIAN waved. "I'm tracking Du!" Creighton said. "Tracking what?" RAPUNZEL asked. Creighton answered, "that thing that's been terrorizing your sheep, a werewolf!"

VARIAN laugh "there's no such thing as a werewolf!" VARIAN repeated himself. "Yeah there is,  and everything you need to know about them is right here!" Creighton said pulling a book out with a face on the cover that was half human, half wolf and the word "Lycanthrope" on it "What were dealing with is maledictealupus, the wolf's curse!" Creighton said. "Do you really expect the princess t-" VARIAN was interrupted by Rapunzel who said "how does the curse work?" "The wolf curse travel s the globe, in search of host's bodies, it feeds on untapped rage, so it's ideal host is someone who harbors a deep-seated anger, it inhabits his body, then causes him to turn into a raging werewolf every full moon for the rest of his life! And here's were it gets interesting, the wolf has found a new home in Corona!" "If there is such a thing as werewolves who is it?" VARIAN asked slightly afraid that they might be real " 'who is it?' If I knew that you think I would be wasting my time on you milk sobs! The wolf could be anybody! But the good news is that I'm not only tracking this thing, I'm not leaving Corona intel I've destroyed it!" Creighton said with a weapon in her hand! RAPUNZEL cleared her throat and got closer to Creighton "let me be clear Captain, you will not be destroying anything in my kingdom!" RAPUNZEL said with a glare, VARIAN was scared now between the werewolf and what ever RAPUNZEL is going to Creighton, he was scared! "Oh I'm not sure YOU can stop me!" Creighton said with a wicked grin!

Then the guards escorted her out forcefully! "Oh your making a huge mistake!" Creighton said waving an arrow at RAPUNZEL! "I will take that chance!" RAPUNZEL said right before slamming the door! "Great timing!" VARIAN says. "Why thank you kind sir!" RAPUNZEL says while bowing in a joking way. "So what are we going to do about the werewolf?" VARIAN asked "Well the plan is doing it quietly, we do not want a panic on are hands!" RAPUNZEL said while opening the door to reveal a panic! RAPUNZEL quickly closes the door and blocked it. "Ok we're going to need a new plan!" RAPUNZEL said. "Here I'll go back home to warn my dad, he's the best when it comes to calming angry mobs, Princess you look for that werewolf!" VARIAN said with determination, RAPUNZEL nodded and VARIAN took a different exit that he discovered when he helped Cass during the expo.


VARIAN made it to his village, and that when the trouble began, VARIAN was walking down the street when he heard yelling in the direction of his house, he started running to find an angry mob at his doorstep and his father trying to stop them from the doorway, "dad?" VARIAN said a little worried about what's going on. "THERE HE IS! GET THAT WEREWOLF!" One of the mob people said. VARIAN was gonna argue but he heard his father Yell "RUN, VARIAN!" And so he did, he was running in the woods, the sun was going down and the angry mob finally stopped chasing him and went home, but VARIAN hadn't noticed! He was running on adrenaline! He tripped and fell, nothing was injured but it still hurt! Then he noticed there was no more mob! So he sat by a tree (because he didn't know were he was) and he waited for his dad to find him! And he cried!!!!


Well VARIAN is crying!!!

I hope y'all are injoying the story! 

It's going to be a long one!

Next chapter will start hinting at one of the ideas I had coming in so I'm excited!!!

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