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Sometimes, Mingi wished he hadn't signed that solo contract. As grateful as he was for everything, he really hated the loneliness that came with doing all of this alone. And god was it exhausting. If he was in a group he wouldn't have had to walk a red carpet alone the way he had tonight.

He was almost scared to see what the fans thought of the appearance. The last thing he wanted was to disappoint the people who loved him even when he didn't feel like he deserved it.

Mingi sighed as he stepped into the shower, ready to let the water wash away the copious amounts of hair gel and foundation. By the time he finally crawled into bed with a family size packet of crisps, it was midnight and Mingi knew he would not be sleeping anytime soon. It had become a nightly routine for him to spend the early hours of the morning on Instagram. I mean, who was going to tell him otherwise?

Mingi scrolled through his feed and liked a few posts from his fellow idols but what he was really interested in looking at was his tagged posts. Those were always ... something. He didn't have to look very long to find a post that made him laugh.

Mingi chuckled softly as he clicked the profile to see what other gems the account had to offer

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Mingi chuckled softly as he clicked the profile to see what other gems the account had to offer. He enjoyed stalking his fans. To be honest, maybe he spent a little too much time doing just that.

But as Mingi would soon find out, this time was different.

A/N: hi! just wanted to thank whoever is reading this! So, thank u so much 🖤

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